1. Clean Windows 7 + Daz loader > Windows 10240 > Opt in = a couple of days 2. Never opted out = At once
And language trick fails. So, it has been GOOD-OLD-WAY to fetch all in one system since 10525. But I will start researching if my corrupt HDD, without any copy, was successfully repaired by EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard 9.0. I hate MEGA!!! One whole month, and 10240 not fully uploaded yet, and ruined my HDD.
Didn't help unfortunately. I get it when exiting D3:RoS. I'm still trying to figure out if it can be avoided.
batch loop is easier: Code: :start %systemroot%\system32\usoclient.exe StartScan timeout /t 60 goto :start
I have a Toshiba encore tablet, and in this build my Broadcom network adapter isn't being recognised any help would be appreciated