Is it ok to run the ISO install (from within Windows 10) to upgrade from 10240 to 10547? It says it will keep personal files and apps but I really don't want any hassle. For some reason I did something that locked me out of many of the account settings in Windows. Can't use MS account, "fix me" button is greyed out etc.
Upgrading from within 10240 should be fine. I had no issues with any builds so far. The being grayed out of some settings may be the result of applying some anti-spying settings. See if you can revert. Good luck !
update 10240 build with build 10547 language en-us .iso but now how i remove watermark number without install soft !
10.547 is an IP build and yes there's a watermark. Doubt you'll be able to remove it, even doubt that it's a good idea to fiddle at it. Further more, since you're on an IP build you should update once more to build 10.558. So the watermark will be back showing the IP build.
Interesting: Did MS recently change the post-RTM requirement (to continue getting Insider builds in WU) of signing into Windows with your MSA? I never did that, opting instead to update via ISO, which I did for this build back when it came out. But today, I happened to go into WU and noticed that I'm now actually set to receive Insider builds and there's nothing to "fix," as MS always claimed that there was before. Not a complaint, just a curiosity. My login account is most definitely my local one, though Windows is aware of the "other account you use," which is my MSA account, but it's always been that way and that was never enough to receive post-RTM builds before.
The releases past 10240 (actual) are only available to windows users who opted to get involved in the insider builds program. They are preview builds. They are not available to the general/normal users through windows update. 10558 is an original M$ image shared with the TOS partners
Stop nitpicking 10547 is an official build. Just because it's an insiders build, doesn't mean it's not official at all.