After I installed, to be precise: upgraded from 10240 LTSB N to 10565 Enterprise (full) and saw the increase of speed in the latest version, I decided to upgrade the Pro on the same Laptop as well, firstly use the Upgrade and after a clean install. Reason were that I've some problems with the 240 (which are my own fault, NOT MS/Windows 10)which is easy resolved to do a clean install. Just like to mention, that the build 565 is running also much faster on this old (240) install after the upgrade as before and near as fast as on the 2. HDD which runs the Enterprise 565! That difference came from the type of HDD because the Enterprise run on a WD Black Scorpio 320 GB 7200rpm while the Pro is running on a Hitachi 750GB with 5400rpm. The difference in speed for the 565 build is quite big. On that 3 years old Acer Aspire 4752G with Intel i5-2450M Quad-core CPU and 8GB Ram, the working speed is near double than on the 240 build. Wth double I mean the speed open apps, moving around, open menu's etc. etc.! That were in 240 much more slow. If that clean install goes wrong, or some bad bugs coming up, that isn't a problem, I've an Image and could just recover to 240 with no problems. Just I think that will be not necessary.
Install 10240, get activated and upgrade, or if you have the core or pro, insert your windows 7 or 8 serials. Google 10240 serials .... 10565 did not activate well for me. But from my 10240 it finally activated
Hi pisthai, I am not sure I follow you clearly, are you saying that you have upgraded to B10565 then formatted and installed fresh B10565 and compared both performances? It looks like you also ran a second comparison with two computer hardware, is this true. or did you change part of the hardware in the same computer?. Are you suggesting that B10565 offering comparable speeds in spite the two settings/machines difference? Also, I did not know that the "Intel i5-2450M" came with 4 cores!! do you mean 2 cores, 4 threads?
Sorry for to inform wrong about the CPU Cores, and you're right, is 2 Core 4 Threads. The Fact is, Acer was changing the MB in Warranty and my original CPU were a Quad Core, which overheated very fast which also resulted in an burned Chipset, that's why Acer had to change the MB. All is still in Warranty for some 3 more weeks and I'll contact Acer on Monday for that discrepancy about that CPU now. The other infos are correct and it all run on that Acer Laptop, just 2 difference HDD's: Hitatchi 750 GB, 5400rpm WD Black Scorpio 320 Gb, 7200rpm The HDD 1 is the normal internal and HDD 2 is instead of DVD drive in a HDD adapter. I was run on HDD 1 Windows 10 Pro 10240 and HDD2 Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB N. I upgraded first the HDD2 to 10565 Enterprise (NO LTSB and/or N) and than the HDD1 with Pro 240 to 565, and now I'm in the process to start the Clean Install of Windows 10 Pro 10565 on HDD1. And again, the speed difference is quite a lot of that 2 version on the exact same computer. The 10240 build as example were need .......... for to show the Start Menu while on 10565 build it's just .. , or to say instead! The same is for other apps screens, actions etc.! With that "Upgrades" I also back on the Insider Channel and I really don't mind about those Telemetry stuff etc. on that Laptop, because it's used temporary only.
Has anybody been able to use 3rd Party Visual Style Themes w/ UXStyles or UltraUXThemePatcher on this build? I just did a clean install and still can't get 3rd Party Visual Styles to work.
insider app dont work in 10240 since a 2 months or more. i'v tried reinstalled insider center and dont work thanks
it was good while it lasted for me and i have just pulled the plug as being an insider and gone back to Windows 10 Build 10240 .. this has been too stressful with the way every time a new build comes out have to go though a hour install it over a build ..? MS needs to rethink how they wish and want to bring new things out because a simple update would just be fine for people ..
FYI, 7zip has issued an update to their engine and it is no longer crashing... WinRAR is still, however..
That what being a insider is all about. If you not keen installing every time a new build comes out. Then wait until th2 is released as final. I find it exciting installing new builds and trying it out. I could do it every day
Same problem here. Even though UltraUXThemePatcher has been updated claiming to support 10565 none of my themes work that worked previously in the "rtm" build. So s**tty.