I gave up on the Start menu long ago. Far too slow and don't need the eye candy so I use Classic Shell. These builds do take forever to upgrade on my 7200RPM WD Black, think its time for an SSD.
lol. How so?. This was installed from scratch and the start menu just stoped updating its tiles, specifically weather and news.
Step 1. Install or upgrade with the TR-EN ISO (Default language is tr-TR, i.e. it is tr-TR edition plus en-US language pack) Step 2. Control Panel > Add a language > English > English (United States) > Add > Click on English (United States) and Move up > Change date, time, or number formats as follows Format: English (United States) Home location: United States System locale: English (United States) Step 3. Restart [Note] 1. Today, 10565 language pack is still Unavailable. The en-US language pack in TR-EN ISO is from en-US 10565, full. 2. I cannot guarantee that Cortana will be completely functional because I do not use Cortana. (And 10565 is Preview build after all.) 3. Homebrew ISO is not allowed to post and share here. This is all I can do. Good luck.
I don't know what has happened to your system but one is for sure: thousands have a working 565 without problems except you though.
This is correct, the theme patchers still work fine, you can create a new visual style and also import Windows 7 visual styles, old Windows 8 and windows 10 visual styles no longer work.
A lot of people have had this issue actually, me being one of them. It happens randomly and you were telling him to reset his store as a fix that only caused him to screw up the store. Store itself has nothing to do with tiles not showing anything. Maybe you should know exactly what you're doing before trying to offer help. This has been an issue in builds since before RTM that hasn't seen a fix yet.
thank you reply but i want integrate offline this is my online steps 1- Add language en-us 2- add speech en-us working perfectly cotana and search please how to add offline image speech pack regards sorry my bad english
negative: a store reregistration never screws or screwed anything. At its best it brought store apps back or back to functionality. If a build like 565 or 568 has internal bugs which I cannot confirm since I have none the reregistering procedure can fail on these version though
I just install 10565, I noticed this build has evaluation of 269 days its from activated win 10240 RTM from Activated Windows 7 (Using Daz)
Not too much of a shock i think as this was never ment long term but as a test for a future release build.