The ESD itself isn't "home brew". The ISO made FROM the ESD is considered "homebrew". A link to the primary ESD is allowed.
Does not bother me, I just don't understand why you did not just tell him Homebrew's are not allowed instead of repeating what he did, lol
Just do the in place upgrade. Fresh install each build is just pointless, unless one is a paid beta tester
I had disabled insider previews. Now I just enabled. How long does it take to get Insider Preview Build Notification? I mean, I am checking for updates But I don't see Insider Preview Download.
Upto 24 hours as long as you keep the machine online Sometimes you can get lucky and catch it quickly, but there is a scan done from MS server end that checks for eligible machines and sends out the update, if your machine misses that scan, you have to wait for the next one
Homebrew isos are not allowed so you will only receive ESD in case that somebody gets it and decide to publish it here