The apps are not stable in this build. This wasn't an issue in the previous insider build. Though it was an issue in Windows Stable (current stable, not insider). I can uninstall Xbox and go to the store and re-install Xbox, but Xbox didn't work either way (originally installed or via the store). So I downloaded the Xbox beta and that worked Windows Photo fails. Uninstalling and reinstalling via the store doesn't resolve it.
You really don't have a clue what the Insider Program is all about do you ? Or Beta testing in general. The next 3 or 4 Builds WON'T have new Features, but I will still install each Build when released. Yes I have always been on the Fast Ring.
Officially it's about beta testing, which is about helping find bugs or flaws in order to improve the final version. Microsoft's Insider Program was designed for people with a bit more technical knowledge or those who are willing to get their hands dirty & take a bit of risk, to try the newest bleeding edge technology to that ends (purpose).
Can anyone confirm whether this issue has been fixed or not in build 11082? It has to do with connecting to an extended display (in my case TV using HDMI). PC still thinks there is an external display and opening any metro app open in the extended display. Even after you have disconnected and even rebooted PC.
Bloody mouse drivers again... Took ages to get my mouse working and stop the updates now i'm back to sq one... I ofter wonder do Ms really learn from the mistakes and internal testing or just one out a release regardless. Surely by now this updating of drivers even if you don't want them should have stopped ? Their internal testing before pushing out a new release must show those simple bugs yet here we are again with them ? FIX THINGS .... Its running a lot faster but time will tell how many things have been fixed or just painted over !
You need to go to the language cpl, sometime you have to add another language to trigger the mui availability
have two questions: 1) this build fix error runtime broker in groove music when are a lot of files in music library? 2) a months ago someone posted here a program to see all directions of internet who acces my wifi or lan, dont remember the name, anyone can tell me again thanks
i know its offtopic but dont want to open a new thread for that. my question is im searching for Windows 10 Pro + Office 2016 Pro Official DvD cover to print. any link availeble? thank you
Plus, it's not that simple. We can't upgrade from a different language ESD/ISO while keeping programs and files. Still waiting for PT-BR ESD since for some reason my WU won't show anything since 10547.
Yes you can Just change the Installlanguage from your national value (say 410 for italian) to 409 (en-US) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Nls\Language Reboot and install. Next time, if you want to go for nationalized install media, just reverse the change, reboot and install.
I checked the sites that used to have DVD labels for downloading but none of them have any for Windows 10. I think that just reflects the changes in technology. It is so much easier to store the files on an extra HD and put them on thumb drive when needed for an installation.
Just don't expect perfection in any means from a BETA Product! And that are the Insider Previews: Beta Version of Windows 10! Simply conclusion: You don't like it, don't use it!
PERFECTION, it one of the most used items to input or select information on a computer ? This issue goes back quite a number of builds now and if they cant or don't want to stop you from upgrading drivers there must be a good reason for it. I wonder how many people complained about this issue of stopping drivers especially older ones from being updated as new drivers simply work on older machines Yet ms take no notice or simply want to force you to update drivers regardless of things not working afterwards. The idea of a Beta Tester is to test and report back bugs or things that don't work.... The fact this has been an issue still is just mind blowing and means Ms are not taking care of older machines and I wonder if its because they want everyone to buy new computers with win 10 pre installed ...
You could lament as much as you like, but changes will not be done! And regarding older machines, Windows 10 works on a lot older machines up to 10 years old or even older! Just simply check the same by Apple and you'll find and you'll see that they're much more careless than MS! On the other hand, MS isn't the developer of drivers fro hardware device and rely simply on what they get from that manufacturers! Who's fault?? That are just a very few aspects of a huge bunch and I'll not start a discussion of that because that's simply fruitless! Just think and judge on your own in a fair and objective manner, if you could!!