GPEDIT.MSC works on my x86 version but gives the below error at the start: "Found duplicate definition of element string with name 'NoTileNotificationExplain'. File c:\Windows\PolicyDefinitions\en-US\WPN.adml, line104, column 15" Also, while the x86 version installs the DiagBox (Citroen Peugeot Diagnostics) application, the x64 version still fails (it is not meant to run on X64 Windows, but it should install).
after a faultless update "power" button stopped working, clicking on "parameters" launches a restart any clue ?
Installs but at the last bit starts recovery back to previous update.........guessing that my old graphics card might be the problem as I've got away with it so far but this update might be more choosy and doesn't like it.
On 14316 Pro x64 the shown message comes twice, after clicking "OK" twice gpedit works just fine. About diagbox, if it's not capable of running on x64 windows, installing it on one could give problems @Potjevleesch, which powerbutton are you talking about? and what paramaters?, in both the startmenu and xmenu everything works fine with the power options. clean vmware install.
That's correct, this is how gpedit behaves on X86 installation, if you read previous posts some have reported that it did not work. With respect to DiagBox, it installs on all Windows X86 and X64 from (7 to 10 TH2).. However, regardless of the running, because it runs if Windows is upgraded to RS1, it did not install on any of the previous Windows 10 RS1 X86 or X64 releases, this is the first RS1 release that it installs on and only on the X86, they seem to have fixed something..!!!
Please read what i've quoted and on which edition i've tried it to test Just did a test on a clean vm install of 14316 x86 pro edition and it's the same, 2 times the message shown and twice hit "OK" and then you can the group policy manager as normal.
Anyone still have problem when apps go on fullscreen mode task bar won't hide ? edit :it happens 70% of the time
The FACT that people are doing it with a PREVIEW BUILD of an operating system is just, in all honesty, pathetic. When people sign up to be insiders, it should be to actually get the builds and find the bugs and report them. Instead you get the morons that sign up just so they can be able to get the most recent versions for free, like they are somehow more special and then bitch and moan when something doesn't work right. Open the freaking hub and report exactly what's going on. Search online forums to see if others experience the same thing and here's the shocking part, they might just find others having the same issues. No. They just want to complain on forums like MDL or troll Gabe Aul for new builds and tell him he's mean for breaking promises that he never even made. Those "broken promises" people that troll Gabe Aul on Twitter are a whole other level of pathetic jokes.