Son any people who use a beta sw pays already a price for their curiosity. The stability and the trustworthiness of the sw they are using. Nothing more is due. In windows case is even worse because thanks to the spyware crap most of the beta users are already forcefully cooperating to the stability of the SW. So who cares if one don't want to be officially marked as insider?
The fact that only trolling is going on here would seem to prove that this build is pretty darn stable.
Let's call BS on that. I'm having issues with this build on my Surface Pro 4: it's draining power, even when I shut down the device at night, the next morning the battery is empty.
No complaints here except it definitely breaks Classic Shell for me. Good stable build so far. I never used Windows 8 but Windows 10 seems like they went backwards on the whole sound module on many computers. I have many users who plug in their headphones in to work at attorneys office to do their work through the day. The system should automatically switch the playback device but many laptops and desktops no longer do this. Windows 7 worked flawlessly on this. In Windows 10 we are forced to go in and switch the playback device in the sound control panel.
Vaguely remember having this problem, workaround was to set the connected headphones as the default device, and then when they were unplugged, it would switch to speakers Rather than doing it the correct way around, still worked