Possible bug: Windows 10 Insider Preview build 14352 won't synchronize time zone? Like the title says, does anybody else experience this?
I see Seem a W10 only feature, i missed. Anyway I have it grayed out both on pro and on LTSB 2016, probably because I'm joined to the domain. Anyway I guess that's based on geolcation services, if you have them disabled surely the automatic time zone can't work
No way, I wont spend money cause w$ needs it. I have the same boot time in 7 that you have with your SSD with 10. BTW, I want to see you in a year from now, when your SSD die without any warning and you lost all your data due the poor durability of your drive. Remember, if you want your SSD drive to last, use the number one rule, DONT USE IT.
Actually an SSD is more badly needed by seven given it's way slower to boot And frankly 7 seconds to boot w7 on an HDD is Science Finction Please dot feed urban legends based on nothing. SSDs are WAY more durable than HDDs, in any common scenario. I bought the first one SEVEN years ago and is still alive and kicking, after that I'v bought and installed something like 50 SSDs and I have yet to see a single faliure, even a partial one And remeber that even when an SSD worns out it becomes read only, no data lost like on dead HDDs. In short staying on HDDs, with SSD being so cheap, is just masochism.
+1 run SSDs since they became available even at high prices at that time but all, I repeat ALL are still working perfectly though
I'm satisfied with all my SSDs excluding one, the one that boots on my test machine, a TLC NAND SSD. This one is pretty slow and wont last long.
I burn my ssd's to the ground in 2 years and use them in older comp from there still working ssd's in my oldest computer that are 4 years old no problems so far
I just was thinking what an statement from somebody @Garbellano who "pretends" to know stuff mind blowing I must say
Try and turn off set time auto, then turn on time zone, then turn set time auto back on, see if that works? I'm not on insider build I believe that sweet sweet girl from MS said there was a problem with this build