It's in reality not about of the speed of your connection! It's depend on several things: the connection of the server inside the data center; how many downloads are utilized at the very same moment from that server; the used international cables/lines/Gateways; and more!! Even if you had a leased Line, your ISP only maximum grants the connection speed between the ISP's Data Center and their customers (YOU)! On a normal/public connection, they would even NOT grant that!! Read the 'fine print' of the contact you have with your ISP!
so apparently lastpass for edge has a build nobody else has because it changed its requirement to have build 14359
Anyone have the black screen loading problem on boot ? ( it was related to Amd GPU driver 15.7) but now in on crimson driver and it's happening on build 14352 ugh it takes forever to boot with this issue. edit : all was good on previous build.
can't you uninstall it, then hide it in my library in the store,then it shouldn't install next build.
Sure I can uninstall it, but I never even had a MS account linked to the Store app. I guess it's just part of the "customer experience" (ugh) when doing a clean install.
Does anyone know if this fixes the constant blue screen of death that has been happening in builds 14316 and 14342? My PC is near unusable with it blue screening at least once every 2hrs. This is driving me mad Might have to go back to stable branch rather than insider previews if they haven't fixed these crashes in this build.
You'd better go back to stable branch like you've said, because I think nobody in here is experiencing this. Anyway, if you want to stay with us Insiders, you have to accept those, they are part of the whole thing, Insider Program that's it EDIT: Norton? Are you using THIS?
There seems to be many people running insider builds without beng part of the insider programmme. People who are actually using the programme can give Microsoft feedback, give details as shown in event viewer etc on top of any error reports submitted automatically by Windows. I believe any telemetry received by people not officially with the programme is discarded for quality control reasons, so it's not wonder the problem hasn't been fixed. If the issue is actually with Windows and not faulty hardware, or bad drivers (both hardware and virus scan drivers), it won't likely get fixed if they don't know about it!
I suggest you post at least the BSOD error code or (better) a dump file if you want any help with troubleshooting it.
That Comcrap ISP for you, anyway Thank you to all Military and Veterans who keep us safe to play with are toys.