I'm wondering where the hell is Dona Been calling and texting her all afternoon and She never answered
It's OK now, She just called and said She had upgraded her phone to 14374 and it crashed Guess it's time to get offline and wait
And She actually had Bat believing the story that nobody had Phone or Internet access until they fixed Her phone and were able to lower the shields But is that what they call a "coincidence" Bat posted She finally had Her phone fixed and then 15 minutes later She was tweeting Her tail off
I know you feel hurt/lied too, well kicked to the curb for another, but please answer my question in activation thread if your heavy heart will allow
So like One more day to know if it was the right decision on waiting for the Radeon RX Series to buy a DX12 card
Microsoft posted to their Blog (then took it down) that the Anniversary Update would go live 2 Aug. to the Public.
I think I know why 2 Aug. 29 July is on Friday. Not a good day to release. 2 Aug is on Tuesday, a great day to release the Anniversary Update.
And 15 July is Also a Friday so that means Insiders won't get the Belated Anniversary Edition until 19 July
I said AROUND 15 July. Expect the Anniversary Update to be handed out to OEM's during the Microsoft Worldwide Partners Conference the week of the 15th July. Insiders should get RTW at same time.