RTM candidates are generally compiled as-if they were RTM, meaning no expiry date, etc. YA-Leak 14371.1000.160617-1933.RS1_RELEASE_PRS_CLIENTPPIPRO_OEM_X64FRE_ZH-TW.ISO pass: rv6v xttps://t.co/MLafZkIYbh
I thought as much the version number was going to be different from the speculated one for the next released build.
Haha the key is absolutly not related to the forced watermark on preview builds. the watermark flag is in the xrm-ms file.
well that's the function. On TP builds it's enforced by a kernel protected parameter. Anyway my previous message had nothing to do with technicalities, it was a semi-serious reference to how the geeky people changes with generations.