Not that a new build with just a couple of swapped digits on the version number would be that helpful...
i dont know what u guys are expecting this is pretty much the anniversary...just more bug fixes for august 2
idk if i even go back to insider sometimes if os gets broken i test insider builds. But yeah doing this not ssd friendly. Its fun to see new bugs and features but bit exausted doing these reinstalls if needed sometimes.
doing this has not affected my SSD in any bad way and if yours has been you bought some cheap SSD and need a rma
It "affects" the ssd in some way because it's writing appr. 20+ GB everytime it upgrades and ssd's have a "max" to that
A week of chrome use is likely way worse than a single upgrade for the SSD life, given how stupid is it's caching mecanism and how the writings are actually processed on the SSD. That said, the concerns about the SSD life are hugely exaggerated. It's 7 years since I have installed the first one. And I have yet to see a single SSD failure or DOA.
I on the other hand had 75% failures a few years back. They would simply die after a few months. only a couple survived. But then I'm stubborn and have recently replaced a number of mechanical with SSD and it's early but no failures yet this time around. I'm hopeful that they have got this SSD thing figured out.
Of what? every ssd has it's own max TBW. I have a long time to go (if the ssd doesn't die by some other reasons but that's why it has 10 year warranty), my latest one has 150TBW but my older ssd's had only 30TBW (2 year warranty).
thats the effect that upgrading or reinstalling has on the SSD its pretty much nothing in the long run i have done since windows 8 leaks a clean install every build to current date on my ocz vertex 4 and it still has 99% life remaining
My ocz vertex 3 was kaput after 4 months, i got a rma replacement (vertex 460) and that died after 6 months, i gave up and bought a Samsung 850 Pro 256GB and after a few months of only sysprepping on it, I use it now as my main OS disk and have appr. 8TB written on it atm.