That whole article can be compressed to one sentence: "When msft servers auto-targets your machine it will get it". Where is the technical info? The assessment should not take 24hr
Yes, we did, but since they say "the update is already feature-complete", it means no new Explorer UWP, right?
Dona said no builds this week. My question is does her week start on Sunday or Monday? Should we hope for a Sunday build or can we start whining again on Monday?
Monday is Presidents Day in USA ( Presidents Day combined Pres Washington's Birthday and Pres Lincoln's Birthday)
Who cares when the next build will be released? So much pointless speculation and guessing in these threads when all you have to do is just wait. And Since it's more or less a month away for Creator Update to go public, and the latest released build isn't complete garbage, i wouldn't blame them if the next build would be in mid March.
Why is it the 2016 Office Beta Team has NO problem getting builds out and Win 10 Beta Team continues having problems
Do you see any holidays in that chart between February, and May? I don't. No such holiday exists in the U.S.
Holiday Date Day New Year's Day January 2* Monday Martin Luther King, Jr. Day January 16 Monday George Washington’s Birthday February 20*Monday---Presidents Day Memorial Day May 29 Monday Independence Day July 4 Tuesday Labor Day September 4 Monday Columbus Day October 9 Monday Veterans Day November 10*Friday Thanksgiving Day November 23 Thursday Christmas Day December 25 Monday I believe the * means three or four day weekend