Still no UWP File Explorer implemeted into this Build. Things are just going slower than I expected. Well, I hope to see the UWP File Explorer very soon because I like it as it goes with Windows 10 appearance as a modern OS.
He was not able to recognize your statement. He decided that you posted links BEFORE him (and maybe decided that you did it without credits). This is called "language barrier" if I not mistaken
Code: ============================================================ UUP directory contains multiple editions files: ============================================================ 1. Windows 10 Single Language Insider Preview (x86 / en-US) 2. Windows 10 Insider Preview (x86 / en-US) 3. Windows 10 N Insider Preview (x86 / en-US) 4. Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview (x86 / en-US) 5. Windows 10 Pro N Insider Preview (x86 / en-US) 6. Windows 10 Education Retail Insider Preview (x86 / en-US) 7. Windows 10 Enterprise VL Insider Preview (x86 / en-US) 8. Windows 10 Enterprise N VL Insider Preview (x86 / en-US) ============================================================ Enter edition number to proceed, or zero '0' to exit ============================================================ > Enter your option and press "Enter": @hb860 : at the OP everyone always get's the credits. And i actually saw it on twitter myself.
I am possibly not going to download it as there is no Education 64-Bit in there and I am so lucky to have you posted the one for my architecture earlier. However, you are doing a great job here. I would like you to know that your effort is highly appreciated.
There also is a x64 folder. But my turl for Education x64 en-US is still valid (as my Pro x64 en-US link is).