My bad. Anyhow, i have Driver 376.33 Installed for my Nvidia card and i do not have any right clicking issues on the taskbar. At least not as of right now, i didn't try directly after installing the driver, i always do a reboot.
A little "birdy" just whispered in my ear that it always works when right-clicking the "cortana" icon or the one next to it, with our without VMTools installed or 3D acceleration enabled or disabled (and it works).
378.49 installed on mine, but has been happening throughout a few different driver versions, and also on a different machine with a way older driver
It works if you right click anything that is not empty space, it's only the taskbar itself that is broken
vmware tools is to blame not the build but they will catch on the bug is reported to vmware now anyway should be fixed soon
Vmware issues is vmware tools the real hardware issue is something else 3d accel related to dx nvidia and older intel hd4000 have yet to catch up
es-es pro x64!! h.ttp://
Not seen it posted but I found out today that you can remove the xbox app and still have game mode working. Not that I am saying game mode really does anything but they are separate. Unless I removed the xbox app incorrectly, not bothered in a long while removing it.
Mine works perfectly normal without closing after launching it. The signing dialog is now a bit different when connecting the Xbox to Windows 10 for the game.