I know it is possible Enterprise -> Pro uisng correct Pro generic key. Is it possible to convert Education to Pro using Pro key?
For me...fast download and no problems installing but 15031 still hasn't solved the dual boot problem since 15019 Makes you think is it worth bothering reporting problems to MS..of course if MS can't replicate the bug then it's me who has the problem
Make your mind up, is it GPU driver bug, VMWare tools bug, hardware issue something else bug? lmao ANYTHING other than it maybe being a bug in a PRE-RELEASE BETA build of Windows This affects AMD, NVIDIA and INTEL This affects VMs and Real hardware This is a bug in the build, accept it
Is it me or is the Bluetooth settings applet broken? Can't reach it through settings or via bthprops.cpl
I'm trying to disable UUP changing the registry, but it keeps offering me UUPs packages instead of full ESD. Anyone knows how to block UUP?
That was working before: Disable UUP Code: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsUpdate] "SupportsUUP"=dword:00000000 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Orchestrator] "EnableUUPScan"=dword:00000000 Enable UUP Code: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsUpdate] "SupportsUUP"=dword:00000001 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Orchestrator] "EnableUUPScan"=dword:00000001
I had small problem for the decrypt-ESD part. it hade line 1 error so what I did as what all other converts had I just pressed 1 3 times as I just convert them to iso form has any others got the same problem? the problem is it wouldn't show the menu system at all sorry I forgot to add I'm running a retail windows 10 pro but with the saved bios info from ms. clean install from retail usb =============================================================================== ECHO is off. =============================================================================== ECHO is off. =============================================================================== Setup Media Layout... =============================================================================== =============================================================================== boot.wim... =============================================================================== Using LZX compression with 2 threads Archiving file data: 502 MiB of 701 MiB (71%) done
Did they switch back to old Power setting on this build, I dont get the slider anymore when clicking on battery in taskbar. Power schemes also disappear.... Thank you
I'm not at my office right now and forgot the name of the tool we use to grab tlu links from Windows update. Please, any help?