Enthousiast , you are hereby on call 24 hours a day for the next 4 weeks, because we like your OP on new builds
Anyone knows how to get back the advanced text sizing option? Used to be on the "display" section of settings.
I'm sorry, I deleted my Insider partition to get ready for final build, I'm on regular build now, thought it was the same, sorry again
My contribution is just marginal, the success of those threads depends on the contributors who post usable content I only gather them and post them at the OP.
Easy Microsoft with those builds. First it was, we tweaking the hell out of SSD writes, and now we get free writes Get offered 15042 again after just rolled back, because 15042 gave me Education version with the UUP files and wasn;t activated anymore.
I did an upgrade from 14393. Right click on task bar icons doesn't work anymore. This is my test machine. I was going to do a clean install, but I see 15046 is out, so I'll probably try an upgrade, then maybe clean install if task bar is still screwed.
its basic because not everyone has Wi-Fi but direct lan and anyone can adjust to there personal needs or preference IE add ie favs and hard drive format etc. anyway I always use a wpi post install for my favorite apps from the setupcomplete.cmd and add my wlan to auto connect when so no need for password. ~DP Code: :: Deploy Specific Wi-Fi Profile (Auto-Connects without prompting for security key) For /f "tokens=*" %%a IN ("%~dp0WlanBackup\SSID.Key.xml") do netsh wlan add profile filename="%%a">nul
You can simply skip WIFI setup during OOBE when LAN is connected. No need to disable it in a xml file.
Been downloaded 55 times , maybe it just doesn't like you or you did not click on the smaller Gray download button (leave the big black download button alone) ~DP