Enterprise x64 es-es http: //tlu.dl.delivery.mp.microsoft.com/filestreamingservice/files/c94bae44-8450-46e7-919e-9e07bfde01e0?P1=1488610182&P2=301&P3=2&P4=VrsMS90hskG9HiaS6iaHAAcT0pxGibdcyQ3RHKMFlrU%3d
Em... We are in a global community so all build's languages are accepted. Please don't insult the dutch people. If the enUS builds aren't available, go ahead and install it in your PC or VM and wait. Next time, I'll warn Tito about this Mmm... no next time. PM to Tito sent
Why would I want to install a Dutch Build? I do not speak the language so it would be of no use to anyone not Dutch. Maybe you should lighten up a tad.
Try to delete the content of "c:\windows\softwaredistribution\downloads" and try again. Maybe you shouldn't drink 'n type? Why should I not share windows in my language? Did you ever consider that the world doesn't turn around you? If you and hanschke are to stupid to check the OP or read thru the threads to find other shares, all en-US UUP folders are shared, also a full en-US esd, i can't do anything about it.
He can't say that Enthousiast is spamming the post with Dutch builds because is false. I don't speak that language but he started saying "why the stupid nl release and not en so dont spam!"
Does it matter? Welcome to the Internet, this isn't a specific country, go read previous threads and you'll see plenty of languages pass. It's actually quiet rare that Dutch gets published here (this soon (unless I read over it way to often)). I don't get how you (or anyone) can get annoyed by someone publishing a language you don't speak. Do you see other complain when a language is put on these threads that is not in a language they understand?
If it's their only contribution, simply ignore them . No need to waste time/space for those. Downloaded the UUPs from OP, created ISO, installed in VM and now checking for included system app packages. OPs service is as always very good .
When I had a network problems w/ VMware 11 workstation I just did a repair install (used the 'Repair' button) instead of a full install, made my life a lot easier. I feedbacked to the Feedback Hub & received several thanks from members there.