I have always disabled hibernation on my system, and just let my displays go to screensaver(after 15 mins) then turn of the displays(after 20 mins)... After installing this build hibernation was enabled(I've just disabled it again) but now my system refuses to go to screensaver and turn the displays off for some reason... Some driver must have changed my devices are interacting with the system, not allowing it to go 'idle' and start the screensaver/turn of displays... *sigh* I've tried changing screensaver, changing timers, changing the power plan, no luck... Anybody else having this problem with this build? Has anyone tried to troubleshoot this before?
@efes34 something missing Code: <Package ID="amd64_Microsoft-Windows-Foundation-Package" PackageType="FeaturePackage" /> <Package ID="amd64_Microsoft-Windows-Client-Features-Package" PackageType="FeaturePackage" /> <Package ID="amd64_Microsoft-Windows-Client-Features-WOW64-Package" PackageType="FeaturePackage" /> <Package ID="amd64_Microsoft-Windows-RegulatedPackages-Package" PackageType="FeaturePackage" /> <Package ID="amd64_Microsoft-Windows-RegulatedPackages-WOW64-Package" PackageType="FeaturePackage" /> <Package ID="amd64_Microsoft-Windows-Holographic-Desktop-Merged-Package" PackageType="FeaturePackage" /> <Package ID="amd64_Microsoft-Windows-Holographic-Desktop-Merged-WOW64-Package" PackageType="FeaturePackage" /> <Package ID="amd64_Microsoft-Windows-Holographic-Desktop-Analog-Package" PackageType="FeaturePackage" /> <Package ID="amd64_Microsoft-Windows-EditionPack-Enterprise-Package" PackageType="FeaturePackage" /> <Package ID="amd64_Microsoft-Windows-EditionPack-Enterprise-WOW64-Package" PackageType="FeaturePackage" /> <Package ID="amd64_Microsoft-Windows-EditionSpecific-Enterprise-Package" PackageType="FeaturePackage" /> <Package ID="amd64_Microsoft-Windows-EditionSpecific-Enterprise-WOW64-Package" PackageType="FeaturePackage" /> <Package ID="amd64_Microsoft-Windows-ContactSupport-Package" PackageType="FeaturePackage" /> <Package ID="amd64_Microsoft-Windows-QuickAssist-Package" PackageType="FeaturePackage" /> <Package ID="amd64_Microsoft-Windows-InternetExplorer-Optional-Package" PackageType="FeaturePackage" /> <Package ID="amd64_Microsoft-Windows-MediaPlayer-Package" PackageType="FeaturePackage" /> <Package ID="amd64_Microsoft-Windows-LanguageFeatures-Basic-en-us-Package" PackageType="FeaturePackage" /> <Package ID="amd64_Microsoft-Windows-LanguageFeatures-OCR-en-us-Package" PackageType="FeaturePackage" /> <Package ID="amd64_Microsoft-OneCore-ApplicationModel-Sync-Desktop-FOD-Package" PackageType="FeaturePackage" /> <Package ID="AMD64_Microsoft.ModernApps.Client.All" PackageType="FeaturePackage" /> <Package ID="AMD64_Microsoft.ModernApps.Client.enterprise" PackageType="FeaturePackage" /> <Package ID="amd64_Microsoft-Windows-Client-LanguagePack-Package_en-US" PackageType="FeaturePackage" /> <Package ID="amd64_Microsoft-Windows-LanguageFeatures-Handwriting-en-us-Package" PackageType="FeaturePackage" /> <Package ID="amd64_Microsoft-Windows-LanguageFeatures-Speech-en-us-Package" PackageType="FeaturePackage" /> <Package ID="amd64_Microsoft-Windows-LanguageFeatures-TextToSpeech-en-us-Package" PackageType="FeaturePackage" /> <Package ID="Enterprise_en-us_esd" PackageType="MetadataESD" />
When you want to create an en-us iso you have to extract both, the en-us.zip and main.zip to the same folder.
I've already created an ISO and tried installing from that and it has just failed as well, different error code though - 0xC1900101 - 0x30017
Same here at the log-in/PW screen, actually it has happened to me on start-up but not restarts. Today I hit the enter button instead of entering a PW, got the wrong PW message then entered the correct PW & for once I didn't have to use the reset PC button
Run as admin. Code: REG ADD "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Power" /V HiberbootEnabled /T REG_dWORD /D 0 /F pause exit
I got stuck on boot up 3 times after upgrade then I uninstall eset smart security and working good. Just for the fun of it I install eset again and still won't work, I'll wait for next build. Cheers.
My laptop's battery status is not updating in this build. It just sticks on what it is at boot and doesn't change at all. Very inconvenient.
Well I have 16215 ready to install but switch off computer avoiding update because after about four times it wont install, my question is:- when the next build is released will it nuke\replace 16215 or is the best way is to delete the "softwaredistribution" directory NOW and wait for the next build?