Prolly the same as with 16212, install enterprise 16215 and insert the pro for advanced (aka pro workstation) key.
Code: Multi-OEM/Retail Project Version : 170605-R58.1 - BaseLine [MRP/MDL] Required files present and extracted successfully. DeCompile has detected a 'VMware' Virtual Machine. Enhanced Log Mode: Activated. OEM's folder detected, structure appears OK. OS Installation Date/Time: Fri 06/09/2017 -- 04:00am [CHKOV] Windows 10 Enterprise Insider Preview x64 version detected. [CHKOE] Enterprise Edition installed. {Registry} [CHKRE] Enterprise Detected. {WMIC} [CHKOB] Build Version: 16215.1000.amd64fre.rs_prerelease.170603-1840 [CHKOR] Build UBR Revision: 1000 [OSLNG] Edition Language/Code: en-US ( 1033 [409h] ) [OSLNG] OS Locale: en-US [OSLNG] OS Language Value: ENU [MBDMI] Motherboard BIOS DMI Information [MBDMI] #1 CS Product Name : [VMware Virtual Platform] [MBDMI] #2 CS Model Name : [VMware Virtual Platform] [MBDMI] #4 CS Vendor Name : [VMware, Inc.] [MBDMI] #5 CS System Name : [VMware, Inc.] [MBDMI] #6 Baseboard Name : [Intel Corporation] [MBDMI] #8 BIOS/SLIC ID : [INTEL] [HDTYP] Info: HDD Detected. [CKDMI] Reading DMI for manufacture branding information. [THMOK] VMware [VMware] manufacture will be used for theme/branding. [BRND1] > Branding Extra Checks Section. [FTMNP] Force theme text file not present. [CHKMN] Computer Model Name: 'VMware Virtual Platform' has been applied. [BRND2] > Brand Transfer Section. [BGDFC] Desktop backgrounds folder created. [BGDFC] BackgroundDefault.jpg file created. [W8XAP] > Windows 8.x/10 User Account Picture Management Section 1. [RMXML] OOBE.xml file deleted. [UBREP] User.bmp replaced. [UPREP] User.png replaced. [UPREP] User-40.png replaced. [WXAP2] > Windows 10 Only User Account Picture Management Section 2. [UPREP] User-32.png replaced. [UPREP] User-48.png replaced. [UPREP] User-192.png replaced. [WXLS5] Lock Screen {img105.jpg} replaced. [THMMN] > Theme Management Section. [THMRP] VMware theme has been applied. [WXLS1] Log-In Background {img100.jpg} replaced. [TTFS0] > Transfer Theme Files Section. [OIFCS] Oobe's info folder has been created. [OIFCS] Theme files have been transferred to oobe's info folder. [TDYUP] > Deletion of unused MRP files. [BRNOK] Branding script has completed. [ADMAN] Add-On Manager Started. [CMSDM] Checking BIOS for MSDM Table data. [ADMVM] Detected a 'Default DMI' VMware Virtual Machine. [USRAC] Windows 10 Enhanced Log-On screen has been enabled. [USRAC] 'User Account Picture' registry entry applied. [USRRO] 'Registered Owner' registry entry corrected. [USRD0] Detected 'defaultuser0', attempting to remove the account... [USRD0] Removal of 'defaultuser0' account was successful. [AMBPS] > Checking BIOS/Boot mode and System drive's partition type. [AMBPS] BIOS/Boot Mode: Legacy [AMBPS] Partition Type: MBR [AMHDC] HDD Controller Mode: AHCI [AMCOS] Internet Connection Check: Online [CHKLS] > Checking if Windows is activated/licensed. [CHKLS] License Status: Notification [CHKLS] Online connection or system reboot maybe required to complete activation. [ADMAN] Add-On Manager Completed. [CLNUP] MRP Clean Up Routine Processed. ================================================================================ = Please Note: It is advisable to logout or reboot your computer when possible = = to allow the User and Log-On background pictures to finalize. = ================================================================================ Enhanced Log Mode: Deactivated. The Multi-OEM/Retail Project has now completed.