Nice Update. Works fine for me. However, I still have issue with touch keyboard, it is too small . I barely see the keys . Anyone else has this problem or knows how to fix it? Spoiler: Small Touch Keyboard :
Still the problems with the frozen battery indicator / power system on my laptop, looks like other people have the same
I successfully installed 16226 as an upgrade over 16215, after first uninstalling .net 3.5. Problem is that now in 16226 I cannot reinstall .net 3.5 at all. I've seen the problem with reinstalling .net 3.5 before in Windows...usually a manual install will fix it, something like: DISM /Online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:NetFx3 /All /LimitAccess /Source:G:\sources\sxs Source, of course = drive where your Win10x64 disk is installed (or mounted.) However, did not work this time for me--same error in reinstalling as when I use Windows Update. After installing the 16226 build I ran sfc /scannow and it found and fixed several files successfully, so will try again--have reset WUpdate, too. Still no cigar and no 3.5 reinstall. ...Win update is downloading the .net 3.5 files fine but the install portion fails every time no matter what I do--even manually from the Win10 DVD build 10563, it fails. With Defender turned off, it fails. No matter what I do I keep getting the same error: 0x800f0922 I've run several different DISM and Powershell commands--even the "ADD Capability" PS commands for it fail with the *same* error. I've opened gpedit.msc and worked and enabled various commands there--makes no difference. There are a couple of other bugs I've noticed, but I'm going to double-check those and make sure of them before I report them here or to Microsoft. D3d bugs are still with us--grrrrr-r-r-r-r. Have to report those *again.*
another BLOATED release and Edge keeps crashing nice job MS keep going backwards maybe less time on phoyos and tweets and more time developing a stable build
@walt, did you reboot after uninstalling .Net 3.5 (but before installing 16226)? This build still doesn't fix the timed sleep issue (no known fix). It also enables hibernation if it was previously disabled (easy fix is to simply disable it again with powercfg). Other than that, looking good here. Edit: Oh, forgot about the dwm.exe memory/handles leak. That's a bad one.
x64, I experienced my first GSOD after trying to boot into safe mode to cleanup the softwaredistribution folder entirely. x86, upgrade runs atm.
How did you upgrade as the only option I have for 16226 on DVD is for install only, also tried update from within windows ver 16199 ????