Is there anyway to download the esd of just the one version of Windows 10 you need (Enterprise 64bit US-English) anymore?
16251 does not use ESD. It uses UUP. Do you want rs3_release or rs_prerelease ? If this is what you are looking for, all the info to make it can be found on the OP. 16251.1000.170721-1512.RS_PRERELEASE_CLIENTENTERPRISE_VOL_X64FRE_EN-US.ISO
I have problem completely uninstalling AMD HD audio drivers.Even though I used the correct method Windows 10 keeps reinstalling them.I know I can disable the option etc but I want get rid of these audio drivers and controllers and just use a sound card.Thanks for any advice here I think it is a bug.
Yes I tried using the DDU and AMD uninstaller,manually uninstalled from device manager many times,used gpedit etc. no luck Windows forces the install.
I noticed this when changing audio drivers as a side issue to not being able to uninstall AMD HD audio,sometimes my lockscreen would be blue and changing audio drivers again would bring it back!
strange thing: no usb 2 or 3 working in failsafe... cannot restore my system as I haven't got either mouse nor kboard, an idea ? system restore image is on an usb external storage disk, could it be the cause ?
I could not put the link on here for some reason. But I have uploaded to my MEGA site and will post the link for that when it is done. Also the ESD files for this build
I am uploading the ESD files now to my MEGA site and will post the link once done for this build. Both rs3 and rs4 Also the ISO for the SDK