My Brother MFC-L2700DW series printer (printing) works fine, haven't tried scanning yet though. b16257.1000 even auto loaded the printer drivers.
I use a Samsung Xpress C460W Color Laser Printer and could print most of the document's, except PDF Documents, till now! Using original Samsung Driver for the printer! Therefore I didn't think that's a Windows 10 Build Problem, must be a Driver problem!
16257.1000 = Redstone 4 (preview of March 2018 build), 16257.1 = Redstone 3 aka Fall Creators Update. (Preview of September 2017 Build). Someone correct me if i'm wrong.
Technically.... aren't all the insiders monkeys? Haha And you are forgetting, even though you have bugs, you also get cool new features to try out
If you still want to join "Skip Ahead" You can try this Get Redstone 4 on Windows 10 1.Right click on start button and click on run. 2.Type “regedit” and Registry editor will open. 3.Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsSelfHost\Applicability. 4.Add a new string with value ContentType. 5.Set it to ‘Skip’ and you will enrol into Redstone 4 enabled Fast Ring. Make the necessary changes on the Windows Insider Program page and within 24 hours, you will receive builds from RS_PRERELEASE branch i.e Redstone 4.
A user a few days ago linked a web to this method and the page page was edited with ***** that's why I didn't posted it but I used it two days ago and it works.