Someone know when will be RS3 RTM ? In more one month ? Because I don't want if to install RS2 again. My OS is little heavy and the Store said I have 13 updates and I don't.
is anyone elses steam broken in this release? steam downloads VERY slowly, 20-30 kb and some other websites ive noticed load slowly, but speedtest is fine and every other site is fine
With the previous build 16251 also 15063 if it was possible see the overclock in performance. With this build even doing a clean installation is not possible see the overclock, also with the CPUZ shows me maximum 3.6 GHz. In bios I have 4GHz.
Sorry in advance for my ignorance on this matter, but is Enterprise edition included with the "16257.1000.170728-1630.RS_PRERELEASE_CLIENTCOMBINED_UUP_X64FRE_EN-US.ISO"? Or possibly inside the "BaseImage-16257.wim" which has just been made available. I can't seem to find a list of contents for any of these packages. Thanks for any info offered...
No it has never showed the overclock speed in Windows because Windows read the tag info which is hardwired into the CPU. CPUz reads the base speed and also the overclock speed. But if your CPU is not a K CPU on a Z motherboard you may see that it is overclocked but it really is not overclocked. What CPU and Motherboard do you have.
Only the system pane shows the tag, in task manager/performance it shows the overclock (4,2 GHz for me) in build 14393 .
Skip ahead works (it's in german)