[DISCUSSION] Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 16288 (PC) RS3_Release

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by Enthousiast, Sep 12, 2017.

  1. MrMagic

    MrMagic MDL Guru

    Feb 13, 2012
    Only if the big red button runs on iOS :D
  2. Rearis

    Rearis MDL Member

    Nov 29, 2014
    Hey thanks dude, I'm looking foward for the next RTM :yeahyeah:
  3. SAM-R

    SAM-R MDL Guru

    Mar 21, 2015
  4. s1ave77

    s1ave77 Has left at his own request

    Aug 15, 2012
    [  04  ] Architecture: amd64
    UUP dump/fetchupd v2.2.1
    [  OK  ] Fetching information from the server
    [  OK  ] Checking build information
    [ INFO ] Windows 10 Insider Preview 16291.0 (rs3_release) amd64
    [ WARN ] This build is NOT in the database. It will be saved now.
    [  OK  ] Parsing information to write
    [  OK  ] Writing new build information to the disk
    [  ID  ] a773a289-8aad-46b9-ba3c-5673731bccc5
    [  05  ] Architecture: x86
    UUP dump/fetchupd v2.2.1
    [  OK  ] Fetching information from the server
    [  OK  ] Checking build information
    [ INFO ] Windows 10 Insider Preview 16291.0 (rs3_release) x86
    [ WARN ] This build is NOT in the database. It will be saved now.
    [  OK  ] Parsing information to write
    [  OK  ] Writing new build information to the disk
    [  ID  ] f5dfe6d4-9bea-4259-bcc0-04858f992862
    [  06  ] Architecture: arm64
    UUP dump/fetchupd v2.2.1
    [  OK  ] Fetching information from the server
    [  OK  ] Checking build information
    [ INFO ] Windows 10 Insider Preview 16291.0 (rs3_release) arm64
    [ WARN ] This build is NOT in the database. It will be saved now.
    [  OK  ] Parsing information to write
    [  OK  ] Writing new build information to the disk
    [  ID  ] 21202532-672f-40fd-9799-2e23fc057cfe
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  5. beppe_7

    beppe_7 MDL Junior Member

    Feb 20, 2008

    sorry i am not a benchmark junky i am just talking from real world use. i notice a difference and nothing was broken in my "old install" because my old install is usually a fresh install that's not very old.
  6. nicktorn

    nicktorn MDL Member

    Aug 24, 2012
    If you notice significant performance improvements then something was off with your old install (likely) or MS has a known severe issue with your specific hardware (less likely), as the performance difference between these builds of Windows is barely outside the realm of margin of error. Using benchmarks to gather data would tell you if you were now getting the level of performance out of your system that you are claiming, what you should typically expect or if you still had some areas to work on.

    Glad you got whatever problem you were having sorted! Remember, if you feel that any current build you are running could use some improvement there are programs and resources out there with info and baseline numbers for you. :)
  7. beppe_7

    beppe_7 MDL Junior Member

    Feb 20, 2008
    there was nothing wrong with my old install. no offense but i do not need benchmarks for me to see a diff in day to day use.. i can do clean installs with the older build. and it would still be the same. when you are on a build long enough which i do clean installs quite often. i can just tell the newer build is more responsive. my day to day tasks never change. i never said there was a "significant performance" increase. just more snappy from day to day REAL world use. not a benchmark. and that's more important. when you can feel a diff from day to day use from the old build and not some kind of benchmark to tell me my score went up so it must be a faster build.
  8. nicktorn

    nicktorn MDL Member

    Aug 24, 2012
    If you aren't interested in knowing what you fixed with your old install, that is perfectly acceptable. I concede.