[DISCUSSION] Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 16299 (PC) RS3_Release

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by Enthousiast, Sep 26, 2017.

  1. Leopeva64

    Leopeva64 MDL Expert

    Oct 4, 2016
    Yes, you're right, it's better to wait, I think I got too "excited" and maybe this is not THE ONE.
  2. armond

    armond MDL Addicted

    Jun 16, 2008
    I see. I even did not bother installing it...
  3. antonio8909

    antonio8909 MDL Guru

    Feb 16, 2014
    AiO file download aborted...
  4. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    [ B NR ] 16299.0
    [ ARCH ] amd64
    [  ID  ] 5ce4b59a-a159-465d-bd3d-29f18887d990
    UUP dump/get v2.3.0
    [  OK  ] Fetching information from the server
    [  OK  ] Parsing information
    [ LANG ] Arabic [Saudi Arabia] : ar-sa
    [ PASS ] 1 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_ar-sa.esd
    [SKU 02] Core_ar-sa.esd
    [SKU 03] Cloud_ar-sa.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreSingleLanguage_ar-sa.esd
    [SKU 05] Education_ar-sa.esd
    [SKU 06] Enterprise_ar-sa.esd
    [ LANG ] Bulgarian [Bulgaria] : bg-bg
    [ PASS ] 2 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_bg-bg.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_bg-bg.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_bg-bg.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_bg-bg.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_bg-bg.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_bg-bg.esd
    [SKU 07] Education_bg-bg.esd
    [SKU 08] EducationN_bg-bg.esd
    [SKU 09] Enterprise_bg-bg.esd
    [SKU 10] EnterpriseN_bg-bg.esd
    [ LANG ] Czech [Czech Republic] : cs-cz
    [ PASS ] 3 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_cs-cz.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_cs-cz.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_cs-cz.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_cs-cz.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_cs-cz.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_cs-cz.esd
    [SKU 07] Education_cs-cz.esd
    [SKU 08] EducationN_cs-cz.esd
    [SKU 09] Enterprise_cs-cz.esd
    [SKU 10] EnterpriseN_cs-cz.esd
    [ LANG ] Danish [Denmark] : da-dk
    [ PASS ] 4 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_da-dk.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_da-dk.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_da-dk.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_da-dk.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_da-dk.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_da-dk.esd
    [SKU 07] Education_da-dk.esd
    [SKU 08] EducationN_da-dk.esd
    [SKU 09] Enterprise_da-dk.esd
    [SKU 10] EnterpriseN_da-dk.esd
    [ LANG ] German [Germany] : de-de
    [ PASS ] 5 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_de-de.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_de-de.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_de-de.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_de-de.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_de-de.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_de-de.esd
    [SKU 07] Education_de-de.esd
    [SKU 08] EducationN_de-de.esd
    [SKU 09] Enterprise_de-de.esd
    [SKU 10] EnterpriseN_de-de.esd
    [ LANG ] Greek [Greece] : el-gr
    [ PASS ] 6 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_el-gr.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_el-gr.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_el-gr.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_el-gr.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_el-gr.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_el-gr.esd
    [SKU 07] Education_el-gr.esd
    [SKU 08] EducationN_el-gr.esd
    [SKU 09] Enterprise_el-gr.esd
    [SKU 10] EnterpriseN_el-gr.esd
    [ LANG ] English [United Kingdom] : en-gb
    [ PASS ] 7 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_en-gb.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_en-gb.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_en-gb.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_en-gb.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_en-gb.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_en-gb.esd
    [SKU 07] CoreSingleLanguage_en-gb.esd
    [SKU 08] Education_en-gb.esd
    [SKU 09] EducationN_en-gb.esd
    [SKU 10] Enterprise_en-gb.esd
    [SKU 11] EnterpriseN_en-gb.esd
    [ LANG ] English [United States] : en-us
    [ PASS ] 8 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_en-us.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_en-us.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_en-us.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_en-us.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_en-us.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_en-us.esd
    [SKU 07] CoreSingleLanguage_en-us.esd
    [SKU 08] Education_en-us.esd
    [SKU 09] EducationN_en-us.esd
    [SKU 10] Enterprise_en-us.esd
    [SKU 11] EnterpriseN_en-us.esd
    [ LANG ] Spanish [Spain] : es-es
    [ PASS ] 9 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_es-es.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_es-es.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_es-es.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_es-es.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_es-es.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_es-es.esd
    [SKU 07] CoreSingleLanguage_es-es.esd
    [SKU 08] Education_es-es.esd
    [SKU 09] EducationN_es-es.esd
    [SKU 10] Enterprise_es-es.esd
    [SKU 11] EnterpriseN_es-es.esd
    [ LANG ] Spanish [Mexico] : es-mx
    [ PASS ] 10 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_es-mx.esd
    [SKU 02] Core_es-mx.esd
    [SKU 03] Cloud_es-mx.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreSingleLanguage_es-mx.esd
    [SKU 05] Education_es-mx.esd
    [SKU 06] Enterprise_es-mx.esd
    [ LANG ] Estonian [Estonia] : et-ee
    [ PASS ] 11 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_et-ee.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_et-ee.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_et-ee.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_et-ee.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_et-ee.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_et-ee.esd
    [SKU 07] Education_et-ee.esd
    [SKU 08] EducationN_et-ee.esd
    [SKU 09] Enterprise_et-ee.esd
    [SKU 10] EnterpriseN_et-ee.esd
    [ LANG ] Finnish [Finland] : fi-fi
    [ PASS ] 12 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_fi-fi.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_fi-fi.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_fi-fi.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_fi-fi.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_fi-fi.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_fi-fi.esd
    [SKU 07] Education_fi-fi.esd
    [SKU 08] EducationN_fi-fi.esd
    [SKU 09] Enterprise_fi-fi.esd
    [SKU 10] EnterpriseN_fi-fi.esd
    [ LANG ] French [Canada] : fr-ca
    [ PASS ] 13 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_fr-ca.esd
    [SKU 02] Core_fr-ca.esd
    [SKU 03] Cloud_fr-ca.esd
    [SKU 04] Education_fr-ca.esd
    [SKU 05] Enterprise_fr-ca.esd
    [ LANG ] French [France] : fr-fr
    [ PASS ] 14 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_fr-fr.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_fr-fr.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_fr-fr.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_fr-fr.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_fr-fr.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_fr-fr.esd
    [SKU 07] CoreSingleLanguage_fr-fr.esd
    [SKU 08] Education_fr-fr.esd
    [SKU 09] EducationN_fr-fr.esd
    [SKU 10] Enterprise_fr-fr.esd
    [SKU 11] EnterpriseN_fr-fr.esd
    [ LANG ] Hebrew [Israel] : he-il
    [ PASS ] 15 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_he-il.esd
    [SKU 02] Core_he-il.esd
    [SKU 03] Cloud_he-il.esd
    [SKU 04] Education_he-il.esd
    [SKU 05] Enterprise_he-il.esd
    [ LANG ] Croatian [Croatia] : hr-hr
    [ PASS ] 16 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_hr-hr.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_hr-hr.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_hr-hr.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_hr-hr.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_hr-hr.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_hr-hr.esd
    [SKU 07] Education_hr-hr.esd
    [SKU 08] EducationN_hr-hr.esd
    [SKU 09] Enterprise_hr-hr.esd
    [SKU 10] EnterpriseN_hr-hr.esd
    [ LANG ] Hungarian [Hungary] : hu-hu
    [ PASS ] 17 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_hu-hu.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_hu-hu.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_hu-hu.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_hu-hu.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_hu-hu.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_hu-hu.esd
    [SKU 07] Education_hu-hu.esd
    [SKU 08] EducationN_hu-hu.esd
    [SKU 09] Enterprise_hu-hu.esd
    [SKU 10] EnterpriseN_hu-hu.esd
    [ LANG ] Italian [Italy] : it-it
    [ PASS ] 18 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_it-it.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_it-it.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_it-it.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_it-it.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_it-it.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_it-it.esd
    [SKU 07] Education_it-it.esd
    [SKU 08] EducationN_it-it.esd
    [SKU 09] Enterprise_it-it.esd
    [SKU 10] EnterpriseN_it-it.esd
    [ LANG ] Japanese [Japan] : ja-jp
    [ PASS ] 19 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_ja-jp.esd
    [SKU 02] Core_ja-jp.esd
    [SKU 03] Cloud_ja-jp.esd
    [SKU 04] Education_ja-jp.esd
    [SKU 05] Enterprise_ja-jp.esd
    [ LANG ] Korean [Korea] : ko-kr
    [ PASS ] 20 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_ko-kr.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_ko-kr.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_ko-kr.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_ko-kr.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_ko-kr.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_ko-kr.esd
    [SKU 07] Education_ko-kr.esd
    [SKU 08] EducationN_ko-kr.esd
    [SKU 09] Enterprise_ko-kr.esd
    [SKU 10] EnterpriseN_ko-kr.esd
    [ LANG ] Lithuanian [Lithuania] : lt-lt
    [ PASS ] 21 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_lt-lt.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_lt-lt.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_lt-lt.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_lt-lt.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_lt-lt.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_lt-lt.esd
    [SKU 07] Education_lt-lt.esd
    [SKU 08] EducationN_lt-lt.esd
    [SKU 09] Enterprise_lt-lt.esd
    [SKU 10] EnterpriseN_lt-lt.esd
    [ LANG ] Latvian [Latvia] : lv-lv
    [ PASS ] 22 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_lv-lv.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_lv-lv.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_lv-lv.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_lv-lv.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_lv-lv.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_lv-lv.esd
    [SKU 07] Education_lv-lv.esd
    [SKU 08] EducationN_lv-lv.esd
    [SKU 09] Enterprise_lv-lv.esd
    [SKU 10] EnterpriseN_lv-lv.esd
    [ LANG ] Norwegian [Norway] : nb-no
    [ PASS ] 23 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_nb-no.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_nb-no.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_nb-no.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_nb-no.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_nb-no.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_nb-no.esd
    [SKU 07] Education_nb-no.esd
    [SKU 08] EducationN_nb-no.esd
    [SKU 09] Enterprise_nb-no.esd
    [SKU 10] EnterpriseN_nb-no.esd
    [ LANG ] Dutch [Netherlands] : nl-nl
    [ PASS ] 24 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_nl-nl.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_nl-nl.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_nl-nl.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_nl-nl.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_nl-nl.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_nl-nl.esd
    [SKU 07] Education_nl-nl.esd
    [SKU 08] EducationN_nl-nl.esd
    [SKU 09] Enterprise_nl-nl.esd
    [SKU 10] EnterpriseN_nl-nl.esd
    [ LANG ] Polish [Poland] : pl-pl
    [ PASS ] 25 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_pl-pl.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_pl-pl.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_pl-pl.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_pl-pl.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_pl-pl.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_pl-pl.esd
    [SKU 07] Education_pl-pl.esd
    [SKU 08] EducationN_pl-pl.esd
    [SKU 09] Enterprise_pl-pl.esd
    [SKU 10] EnterpriseN_pl-pl.esd
    [ LANG ] Portuguese [Brazil] : pt-br
    [ PASS ] 26 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_pt-br.esd
    [SKU 02] Core_pt-br.esd
    [SKU 03] Cloud_pt-br.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreSingleLanguage_pt-br.esd
    [SKU 05] Education_pt-br.esd
    [SKU 06] Enterprise_pt-br.esd
    [ LANG ] Portuguese [Portugal] : pt-pt
    [ PASS ] 27 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_pt-pt.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_pt-pt.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_pt-pt.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_pt-pt.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_pt-pt.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_pt-pt.esd
    [SKU 07] CoreSingleLanguage_pt-pt.esd
    [SKU 08] Education_pt-pt.esd
    [SKU 09] EducationN_pt-pt.esd
    [SKU 10] Enterprise_pt-pt.esd
    [SKU 11] EnterpriseN_pt-pt.esd
    [ LANG ] Romanian [Romania] : ro-ro
    [ PASS ] 28 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_ro-ro.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_ro-ro.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_ro-ro.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_ro-ro.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_ro-ro.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_ro-ro.esd
    [SKU 07] Education_ro-ro.esd
    [SKU 08] EducationN_ro-ro.esd
    [SKU 09] Enterprise_ro-ro.esd
    [SKU 10] EnterpriseN_ro-ro.esd
    [ LANG ] Russian [Russia] : ru-ru
    [ PASS ] 29 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_ru-ru.esd
    [SKU 02] Core_ru-ru.esd
    [SKU 03] Cloud_ru-ru.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreSingleLanguage_ru-ru.esd
    [SKU 05] Education_ru-ru.esd
    [SKU 06] Enterprise_ru-ru.esd
    [ LANG ] Slovak [Slovakia] : sk-sk
    [ PASS ] 30 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_sk-sk.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_sk-sk.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_sk-sk.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_sk-sk.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_sk-sk.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_sk-sk.esd
    [SKU 07] Education_sk-sk.esd
    [SKU 08] EducationN_sk-sk.esd
    [SKU 09] Enterprise_sk-sk.esd
    [SKU 10] EnterpriseN_sk-sk.esd
    [ LANG ] Slovenian [Slovenia] : sl-si
    [ PASS ] 31 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_sl-si.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_sl-si.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_sl-si.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_sl-si.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_sl-si.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_sl-si.esd
    [SKU 07] Education_sl-si.esd
    [SKU 08] EducationN_sl-si.esd
    [SKU 09] Enterprise_sl-si.esd
    [SKU 10] EnterpriseN_sl-si.esd
    [ LANG ] Swedish [Sweden] : sv-se
    [ PASS ] 32 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_sv-se.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_sv-se.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_sv-se.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_sv-se.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_sv-se.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_sv-se.esd
    [SKU 07] Education_sv-se.esd
    [SKU 08] EducationN_sv-se.esd
    [SKU 09] Enterprise_sv-se.esd
    [SKU 10] EnterpriseN_sv-se.esd
    [ LANG ] Thai [Thailand] : th-th
    [ PASS ] 33 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_th-th.esd
    [SKU 02] Core_th-th.esd
    [SKU 03] Cloud_th-th.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreSingleLanguage_th-th.esd
    [SKU 05] Education_th-th.esd
    [SKU 06] Enterprise_th-th.esd
    [ LANG ] Turkish [Turkey] : tr-tr
    [ PASS ] 34 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_tr-tr.esd
    [SKU 02] Core_tr-tr.esd
    [SKU 03] Cloud_tr-tr.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreSingleLanguage_tr-tr.esd
    [SKU 05] Education_tr-tr.esd
    [SKU 06] Enterprise_tr-tr.esd
    [ LANG ] Ukrainian [Ukraine] : uk-ua
    [ PASS ] 35 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_uk-ua.esd
    [SKU 02] Core_uk-ua.esd
    [SKU 03] Cloud_uk-ua.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreSingleLanguage_uk-ua.esd
    [SKU 05] Education_uk-ua.esd
    [SKU 06] Enterprise_uk-ua.esd
    [ LANG ] Chinese [PRC] : zh-cn
    [ PASS ] 36 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_zh-cn.esd
    [SKU 02] Core_zh-cn.esd
    [SKU 03] Cloud_zh-cn.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreSingleLanguage_zh-cn.esd
    [SKU 05] CoreCountrySpecific_zh-cn.esd
    [SKU 06] Education_zh-cn.esd
    [SKU 07] Enterprise_zh-cn.esd
    [ LANG ] Chinese [Taiwan] : zh-tw
    [ PASS ] 37 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_zh-tw.esd
    [SKU 02] Core_zh-tw.esd
    [SKU 03] Cloud_zh-tw.esd
    [SKU 04] Education_zh-tw.esd
    [SKU 05] Enterprise_zh-tw.esd
    [ USER ] [N]ew Search or [B]ack ?:
    [ B NR ] 16299.0
    [ ARCH ] x86
    [  ID  ] 50e35451-5ef9-477c-abd2-9ed209f9f073
    UUP dump/get v2.3.0
    [  OK  ] Fetching information from the server
    [  OK  ] Parsing information
    [ LANG ] Arabic [Saudi Arabia] : ar-sa
    [ PASS ] 1 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_ar-sa.esd
    [SKU 02] Core_ar-sa.esd
    [SKU 03] Cloud_ar-sa.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreSingleLanguage_ar-sa.esd
    [SKU 05] Education_ar-sa.esd
    [SKU 06] Enterprise_ar-sa.esd
    [ LANG ] Bulgarian [Bulgaria] : bg-bg
    [ PASS ] 2 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_bg-bg.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_bg-bg.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_bg-bg.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_bg-bg.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_bg-bg.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_bg-bg.esd
    [SKU 07] Education_bg-bg.esd
    [SKU 08] EducationN_bg-bg.esd
    [SKU 09] Enterprise_bg-bg.esd
    [SKU 10] EnterpriseN_bg-bg.esd
    [ LANG ] Czech [Czech Republic] : cs-cz
    [ PASS ] 3 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_cs-cz.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_cs-cz.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_cs-cz.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_cs-cz.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_cs-cz.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_cs-cz.esd
    [SKU 07] Education_cs-cz.esd
    [SKU 08] EducationN_cs-cz.esd
    [SKU 09] Enterprise_cs-cz.esd
    [SKU 10] EnterpriseN_cs-cz.esd
    [ LANG ] Danish [Denmark] : da-dk
    [ PASS ] 4 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_da-dk.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_da-dk.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_da-dk.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_da-dk.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_da-dk.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_da-dk.esd
    [SKU 07] Education_da-dk.esd
    [SKU 08] EducationN_da-dk.esd
    [SKU 09] Enterprise_da-dk.esd
    [SKU 10] EnterpriseN_da-dk.esd
    [ LANG ] German [Germany] : de-de
    [ PASS ] 5 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_de-de.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_de-de.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_de-de.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_de-de.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_de-de.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_de-de.esd
    [SKU 07] Education_de-de.esd
    [SKU 08] EducationN_de-de.esd
    [SKU 09] Enterprise_de-de.esd
    [SKU 10] EnterpriseN_de-de.esd
    [ LANG ] Greek [Greece] : el-gr
    [ PASS ] 6 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_el-gr.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_el-gr.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_el-gr.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_el-gr.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_el-gr.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_el-gr.esd
    [SKU 07] Education_el-gr.esd
    [SKU 08] EducationN_el-gr.esd
    [SKU 09] Enterprise_el-gr.esd
    [SKU 10] EnterpriseN_el-gr.esd
    [ LANG ] English [United Kingdom] : en-gb
    [ PASS ] 7 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_en-gb.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_en-gb.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_en-gb.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_en-gb.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_en-gb.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_en-gb.esd
    [SKU 07] CoreSingleLanguage_en-gb.esd
    [SKU 08] Education_en-gb.esd
    [SKU 09] EducationN_en-gb.esd
    [SKU 10] Enterprise_en-gb.esd
    [SKU 11] EnterpriseN_en-gb.esd
    [ LANG ] English [United States] : en-us
    [ PASS ] 8 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_en-us.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_en-us.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_en-us.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_en-us.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_en-us.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_en-us.esd
    [SKU 07] CoreSingleLanguage_en-us.esd
    [SKU 08] Education_en-us.esd
    [SKU 09] EducationN_en-us.esd
    [SKU 10] Enterprise_en-us.esd
    [SKU 11] EnterpriseN_en-us.esd
    [ LANG ] Spanish [Spain] : es-es
    [ PASS ] 9 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_es-es.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_es-es.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_es-es.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_es-es.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_es-es.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_es-es.esd
    [SKU 07] CoreSingleLanguage_es-es.esd
    [SKU 08] Education_es-es.esd
    [SKU 09] EducationN_es-es.esd
    [SKU 10] Enterprise_es-es.esd
    [SKU 11] EnterpriseN_es-es.esd
    [ LANG ] Spanish [Mexico] : es-mx
    [ PASS ] 10 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_es-mx.esd
    [SKU 02] Core_es-mx.esd
    [SKU 03] Cloud_es-mx.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreSingleLanguage_es-mx.esd
    [SKU 05] Education_es-mx.esd
    [SKU 06] Enterprise_es-mx.esd
    [ LANG ] Estonian [Estonia] : et-ee
    [ PASS ] 11 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_et-ee.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_et-ee.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_et-ee.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_et-ee.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_et-ee.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_et-ee.esd
    [SKU 07] Education_et-ee.esd
    [SKU 08] EducationN_et-ee.esd
    [SKU 09] Enterprise_et-ee.esd
    [SKU 10] EnterpriseN_et-ee.esd
    [ LANG ] Finnish [Finland] : fi-fi
    [ PASS ] 12 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_fi-fi.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_fi-fi.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_fi-fi.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_fi-fi.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_fi-fi.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_fi-fi.esd
    [SKU 07] Education_fi-fi.esd
    [SKU 08] EducationN_fi-fi.esd
    [SKU 09] Enterprise_fi-fi.esd
    [SKU 10] EnterpriseN_fi-fi.esd
    [ LANG ] French [Canada] : fr-ca
    [ PASS ] 13 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_fr-ca.esd
    [SKU 02] Core_fr-ca.esd
    [SKU 03] Cloud_fr-ca.esd
    [SKU 04] Education_fr-ca.esd
    [SKU 05] Enterprise_fr-ca.esd
    [ LANG ] French [France] : fr-fr
    [ PASS ] 14 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_fr-fr.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_fr-fr.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_fr-fr.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_fr-fr.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_fr-fr.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_fr-fr.esd
    [SKU 07] CoreSingleLanguage_fr-fr.esd
    [SKU 08] Education_fr-fr.esd
    [SKU 09] EducationN_fr-fr.esd
    [SKU 10] Enterprise_fr-fr.esd
    [SKU 11] EnterpriseN_fr-fr.esd
    [ LANG ] Hebrew [Israel] : he-il
    [ PASS ] 15 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_he-il.esd
    [SKU 02] Core_he-il.esd
    [SKU 03] Cloud_he-il.esd
    [SKU 04] Education_he-il.esd
    [SKU 05] Enterprise_he-il.esd
    [ LANG ] Croatian [Croatia] : hr-hr
    [ PASS ] 16 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_hr-hr.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_hr-hr.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_hr-hr.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_hr-hr.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_hr-hr.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_hr-hr.esd
    [SKU 07] Education_hr-hr.esd
    [SKU 08] EducationN_hr-hr.esd
    [SKU 09] Enterprise_hr-hr.esd
    [SKU 10] EnterpriseN_hr-hr.esd
    [ LANG ] Hungarian [Hungary] : hu-hu
    [ PASS ] 17 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_hu-hu.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_hu-hu.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_hu-hu.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_hu-hu.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_hu-hu.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_hu-hu.esd
    [SKU 07] Education_hu-hu.esd
    [SKU 08] EducationN_hu-hu.esd
    [SKU 09] Enterprise_hu-hu.esd
    [SKU 10] EnterpriseN_hu-hu.esd
    [ LANG ] Italian [Italy] : it-it
    [ PASS ] 18 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_it-it.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_it-it.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_it-it.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_it-it.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_it-it.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_it-it.esd
    [SKU 07] Education_it-it.esd
    [SKU 08] EducationN_it-it.esd
    [SKU 09] Enterprise_it-it.esd
    [SKU 10] EnterpriseN_it-it.esd
    [ LANG ] Japanese [Japan] : ja-jp
    [ PASS ] 19 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_ja-jp.esd
    [SKU 02] Core_ja-jp.esd
    [SKU 03] Cloud_ja-jp.esd
    [SKU 04] Education_ja-jp.esd
    [SKU 05] Enterprise_ja-jp.esd
    [ LANG ] Korean [Korea] : ko-kr
    [ PASS ] 20 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_ko-kr.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_ko-kr.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_ko-kr.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_ko-kr.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_ko-kr.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_ko-kr.esd
    [SKU 07] Education_ko-kr.esd
    [SKU 08] EducationN_ko-kr.esd
    [SKU 09] Enterprise_ko-kr.esd
    [SKU 10] EnterpriseN_ko-kr.esd
    [ LANG ] Lithuanian [Lithuania] : lt-lt
    [ PASS ] 21 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_lt-lt.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_lt-lt.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_lt-lt.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_lt-lt.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_lt-lt.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_lt-lt.esd
    [SKU 07] Education_lt-lt.esd
    [SKU 08] EducationN_lt-lt.esd
    [SKU 09] Enterprise_lt-lt.esd
    [SKU 10] EnterpriseN_lt-lt.esd
    [ LANG ] Latvian [Latvia] : lv-lv
    [ PASS ] 22 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_lv-lv.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_lv-lv.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_lv-lv.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_lv-lv.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_lv-lv.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_lv-lv.esd
    [SKU 07] Education_lv-lv.esd
    [SKU 08] EducationN_lv-lv.esd
    [SKU 09] Enterprise_lv-lv.esd
    [SKU 10] EnterpriseN_lv-lv.esd
    [ LANG ] Norwegian [Norway] : nb-no
    [ PASS ] 23 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_nb-no.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_nb-no.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_nb-no.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_nb-no.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_nb-no.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_nb-no.esd
    [SKU 07] Education_nb-no.esd
    [SKU 08] EducationN_nb-no.esd
    [SKU 09] Enterprise_nb-no.esd
    [SKU 10] EnterpriseN_nb-no.esd
    [ LANG ] Dutch [Netherlands] : nl-nl
    [ PASS ] 24 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_nl-nl.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_nl-nl.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_nl-nl.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_nl-nl.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_nl-nl.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_nl-nl.esd
    [SKU 07] Education_nl-nl.esd
    [SKU 08] EducationN_nl-nl.esd
    [SKU 09] Enterprise_nl-nl.esd
    [SKU 10] EnterpriseN_nl-nl.esd
    [ LANG ] Polish [Poland] : pl-pl
    [ PASS ] 25 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_pl-pl.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_pl-pl.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_pl-pl.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_pl-pl.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_pl-pl.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_pl-pl.esd
    [SKU 07] Education_pl-pl.esd
    [SKU 08] EducationN_pl-pl.esd
    [SKU 09] Enterprise_pl-pl.esd
    [SKU 10] EnterpriseN_pl-pl.esd
    [ LANG ] Portuguese [Brazil] : pt-br
    [ PASS ] 26 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_pt-br.esd
    [SKU 02] Core_pt-br.esd
    [SKU 03] Cloud_pt-br.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreSingleLanguage_pt-br.esd
    [SKU 05] Education_pt-br.esd
    [SKU 06] Enterprise_pt-br.esd
    [ LANG ] Portuguese [Portugal] : pt-pt
    [ PASS ] 27 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_pt-pt.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_pt-pt.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_pt-pt.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_pt-pt.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_pt-pt.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_pt-pt.esd
    [SKU 07] CoreSingleLanguage_pt-pt.esd
    [SKU 08] Education_pt-pt.esd
    [SKU 09] EducationN_pt-pt.esd
    [SKU 10] Enterprise_pt-pt.esd
    [SKU 11] EnterpriseN_pt-pt.esd
    [ LANG ] Romanian [Romania] : ro-ro
    [ PASS ] 28 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_ro-ro.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_ro-ro.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_ro-ro.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_ro-ro.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_ro-ro.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_ro-ro.esd
    [SKU 07] Education_ro-ro.esd
    [SKU 08] EducationN_ro-ro.esd
    [SKU 09] Enterprise_ro-ro.esd
    [SKU 10] EnterpriseN_ro-ro.esd
    [ LANG ] Russian [Russia] : ru-ru
    [ PASS ] 29 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_ru-ru.esd
    [SKU 02] Core_ru-ru.esd
    [SKU 03] Cloud_ru-ru.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreSingleLanguage_ru-ru.esd
    [SKU 05] Education_ru-ru.esd
    [SKU 06] Enterprise_ru-ru.esd
    [ LANG ] Slovak [Slovakia] : sk-sk
    [ PASS ] 30 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_sk-sk.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_sk-sk.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_sk-sk.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_sk-sk.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_sk-sk.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_sk-sk.esd
    [SKU 07] Education_sk-sk.esd
    [SKU 08] EducationN_sk-sk.esd
    [SKU 09] Enterprise_sk-sk.esd
    [SKU 10] EnterpriseN_sk-sk.esd
    [ LANG ] Slovenian [Slovenia] : sl-si
    [ PASS ] 31 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_sl-si.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_sl-si.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_sl-si.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_sl-si.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_sl-si.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_sl-si.esd
    [SKU 07] Education_sl-si.esd
    [SKU 08] EducationN_sl-si.esd
    [SKU 09] Enterprise_sl-si.esd
    [SKU 10] EnterpriseN_sl-si.esd
    [ LANG ] Swedish [Sweden] : sv-se
    [ PASS ] 32 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_sv-se.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_sv-se.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_sv-se.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_sv-se.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_sv-se.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_sv-se.esd
    [SKU 07] Education_sv-se.esd
    [SKU 08] EducationN_sv-se.esd
    [SKU 09] Enterprise_sv-se.esd
    [SKU 10] EnterpriseN_sv-se.esd
    [ LANG ] Thai [Thailand] : th-th
    [ PASS ] 33 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_th-th.esd
    [SKU 02] Core_th-th.esd
    [SKU 03] Cloud_th-th.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreSingleLanguage_th-th.esd
    [SKU 05] Education_th-th.esd
    [SKU 06] Enterprise_th-th.esd
    [ LANG ] Turkish [Turkey] : tr-tr
    [ PASS ] 34 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_tr-tr.esd
    [SKU 02] Core_tr-tr.esd
    [SKU 03] Cloud_tr-tr.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreSingleLanguage_tr-tr.esd
    [SKU 05] Education_tr-tr.esd
    [SKU 06] Enterprise_tr-tr.esd
    [ LANG ] Ukrainian [Ukraine] : uk-ua
    [ PASS ] 35 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_uk-ua.esd
    [SKU 02] Core_uk-ua.esd
    [SKU 03] Cloud_uk-ua.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreSingleLanguage_uk-ua.esd
    [SKU 05] Education_uk-ua.esd
    [SKU 06] Enterprise_uk-ua.esd
    [ LANG ] Chinese [PRC] : zh-cn
    [ PASS ] 36 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_zh-cn.esd
    [SKU 02] Core_zh-cn.esd
    [SKU 03] Cloud_zh-cn.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreSingleLanguage_zh-cn.esd
    [SKU 05] CoreCountrySpecific_zh-cn.esd
    [SKU 06] Education_zh-cn.esd
    [SKU 07] Enterprise_zh-cn.esd
    [ LANG ] Chinese [Taiwan] : zh-tw
    [ PASS ] 37 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_zh-tw.esd
    [SKU 02] Core_zh-tw.esd
    [SKU 03] Cloud_zh-tw.esd
    [SKU 04] Education_zh-tw.esd
    [SKU 05] Enterprise_zh-tw.esd
    [ USER ] [N]ew Search or [B]ack ?:
    FINDSTR: Argument missing after /c
    UUP dump/get v2.3.0
    [  OK  ] Fetching information from the server
    [  OK  ] Parsing information
    [ LANG ] Arabic [Saudi Arabia] : ar-sa
    [ PASS ] 1 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_ar-sa.esd
    [SKU 02] Core_ar-sa.esd
    [SKU 03] Cloud_ar-sa.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreSingleLanguage_ar-sa.esd
    [SKU 05] Education_ar-sa.esd
    [SKU 06] Enterprise_ar-sa.esd
    [ LANG ] Bulgarian [Bulgaria] : bg-bg
    [ PASS ] 2 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_bg-bg.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_bg-bg.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_bg-bg.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_bg-bg.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_bg-bg.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_bg-bg.esd
    [SKU 07] Education_bg-bg.esd
    [SKU 08] EducationN_bg-bg.esd
    [SKU 09] Enterprise_bg-bg.esd
    [SKU 10] EnterpriseN_bg-bg.esd
    [ LANG ] Czech [Czech Republic] : cs-cz
    [ PASS ] 3 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_cs-cz.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_cs-cz.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_cs-cz.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_cs-cz.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_cs-cz.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_cs-cz.esd
    [SKU 07] Education_cs-cz.esd
    [SKU 08] EducationN_cs-cz.esd
    [SKU 09] Enterprise_cs-cz.esd
    [SKU 10] EnterpriseN_cs-cz.esd
    [ LANG ] Danish [Denmark] : da-dk
    [ PASS ] 4 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_da-dk.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_da-dk.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_da-dk.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_da-dk.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_da-dk.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_da-dk.esd
    [SKU 07] Education_da-dk.esd
    [SKU 08] EducationN_da-dk.esd
    [SKU 09] Enterprise_da-dk.esd
    [SKU 10] EnterpriseN_da-dk.esd
    [ LANG ] German [Germany] : de-de
    [ PASS ] 5 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_de-de.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_de-de.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_de-de.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_de-de.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_de-de.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_de-de.esd
    [SKU 07] Education_de-de.esd
    [SKU 08] EducationN_de-de.esd
    [SKU 09] Enterprise_de-de.esd
    [SKU 10] EnterpriseN_de-de.esd
    [ LANG ] Greek [Greece] : el-gr
    [ PASS ] 6 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_el-gr.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_el-gr.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_el-gr.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_el-gr.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_el-gr.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_el-gr.esd
    [SKU 07] Education_el-gr.esd
    [SKU 08] EducationN_el-gr.esd
    [SKU 09] Enterprise_el-gr.esd
    [SKU 10] EnterpriseN_el-gr.esd
    [ LANG ] English [United Kingdom] : en-gb
    [ PASS ] 7 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_en-gb.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_en-gb.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_en-gb.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_en-gb.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_en-gb.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_en-gb.esd
    [SKU 07] CoreSingleLanguage_en-gb.esd
    [SKU 08] Education_en-gb.esd
    [SKU 09] EducationN_en-gb.esd
    [SKU 10] Enterprise_en-gb.esd
    [SKU 11] EnterpriseN_en-gb.esd
    [ LANG ] English [United States] : en-us
    [ PASS ] 8 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_en-us.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_en-us.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_en-us.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_en-us.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_en-us.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_en-us.esd
    [SKU 07] CoreSingleLanguage_en-us.esd
    [SKU 08] Education_en-us.esd
    [SKU 09] EducationN_en-us.esd
    [SKU 10] Enterprise_en-us.esd
    [SKU 11] EnterpriseN_en-us.esd
    [ LANG ] Spanish [Spain] : es-es
    [ PASS ] 9 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_es-es.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_es-es.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_es-es.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_es-es.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_es-es.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_es-es.esd
    [SKU 07] CoreSingleLanguage_es-es.esd
    [SKU 08] Education_es-es.esd
    [SKU 09] EducationN_es-es.esd
    [SKU 10] Enterprise_es-es.esd
    [SKU 11] EnterpriseN_es-es.esd
    [ LANG ] Spanish [Mexico] : es-mx
    [ PASS ] 10 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_es-mx.esd
    [SKU 02] Core_es-mx.esd
    [SKU 03] Cloud_es-mx.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreSingleLanguage_es-mx.esd
    [SKU 05] Education_es-mx.esd
    [SKU 06] Enterprise_es-mx.esd
    [ LANG ] Estonian [Estonia] : et-ee
    [ PASS ] 11 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_et-ee.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_et-ee.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_et-ee.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_et-ee.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_et-ee.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_et-ee.esd
    [SKU 07] Education_et-ee.esd
    [SKU 08] EducationN_et-ee.esd
    [SKU 09] Enterprise_et-ee.esd
    [SKU 10] EnterpriseN_et-ee.esd
    [ LANG ] Finnish [Finland] : fi-fi
    [ PASS ] 12 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_fi-fi.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_fi-fi.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_fi-fi.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_fi-fi.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_fi-fi.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_fi-fi.esd
    [SKU 07] Education_fi-fi.esd
    [SKU 08] EducationN_fi-fi.esd
    [SKU 09] Enterprise_fi-fi.esd
    [SKU 10] EnterpriseN_fi-fi.esd
    [ LANG ] French [Canada] : fr-ca
    [ PASS ] 13 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_fr-ca.esd
    [SKU 02] Core_fr-ca.esd
    [SKU 03] Cloud_fr-ca.esd
    [SKU 04] Education_fr-ca.esd
    [SKU 05] Enterprise_fr-ca.esd
    [ LANG ] French [France] : fr-fr
    [ PASS ] 14 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_fr-fr.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_fr-fr.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_fr-fr.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_fr-fr.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_fr-fr.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_fr-fr.esd
    [SKU 07] CoreSingleLanguage_fr-fr.esd
    [SKU 08] Education_fr-fr.esd
    [SKU 09] EducationN_fr-fr.esd
    [SKU 10] Enterprise_fr-fr.esd
    [SKU 11] EnterpriseN_fr-fr.esd
    [ LANG ] Hebrew [Israel] : he-il
    [ PASS ] 15 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_he-il.esd
    [SKU 02] Core_he-il.esd
    [SKU 03] Cloud_he-il.esd
    [SKU 04] Education_he-il.esd
    [SKU 05] Enterprise_he-il.esd
    [ LANG ] Croatian [Croatia] : hr-hr
    [ PASS ] 16 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_hr-hr.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_hr-hr.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_hr-hr.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_hr-hr.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_hr-hr.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_hr-hr.esd
    [SKU 07] Education_hr-hr.esd
    [SKU 08] EducationN_hr-hr.esd
    [SKU 09] Enterprise_hr-hr.esd
    [SKU 10] EnterpriseN_hr-hr.esd
    [ LANG ] Hungarian [Hungary] : hu-hu
    [ PASS ] 17 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_hu-hu.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_hu-hu.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_hu-hu.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_hu-hu.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_hu-hu.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_hu-hu.esd
    [SKU 07] Education_hu-hu.esd
    [SKU 08] EducationN_hu-hu.esd
    [SKU 09] Enterprise_hu-hu.esd
    [SKU 10] EnterpriseN_hu-hu.esd
    [ LANG ] Italian [Italy] : it-it
    [ PASS ] 18 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_it-it.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_it-it.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_it-it.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_it-it.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_it-it.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_it-it.esd
    [SKU 07] Education_it-it.esd
    [SKU 08] EducationN_it-it.esd
    [SKU 09] Enterprise_it-it.esd
    [SKU 10] EnterpriseN_it-it.esd
    [ LANG ] Japanese [Japan] : ja-jp
    [ PASS ] 19 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_ja-jp.esd
    [SKU 02] Core_ja-jp.esd
    [SKU 03] Cloud_ja-jp.esd
    [SKU 04] Education_ja-jp.esd
    [SKU 05] Enterprise_ja-jp.esd
    [ LANG ] Korean [Korea] : ko-kr
    [ PASS ] 20 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_ko-kr.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_ko-kr.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_ko-kr.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_ko-kr.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_ko-kr.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_ko-kr.esd
    [SKU 07] Education_ko-kr.esd
    [SKU 08] EducationN_ko-kr.esd
    [SKU 09] Enterprise_ko-kr.esd
    [SKU 10] EnterpriseN_ko-kr.esd
    [ LANG ] Lithuanian [Lithuania] : lt-lt
    [ PASS ] 21 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_lt-lt.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_lt-lt.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_lt-lt.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_lt-lt.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_lt-lt.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_lt-lt.esd
    [SKU 07] Education_lt-lt.esd
    [SKU 08] EducationN_lt-lt.esd
    [SKU 09] Enterprise_lt-lt.esd
    [SKU 10] EnterpriseN_lt-lt.esd
    [ LANG ] Latvian [Latvia] : lv-lv
    [ PASS ] 22 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_lv-lv.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_lv-lv.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_lv-lv.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_lv-lv.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_lv-lv.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_lv-lv.esd
    [SKU 07] Education_lv-lv.esd
    [SKU 08] EducationN_lv-lv.esd
    [SKU 09] Enterprise_lv-lv.esd
    [SKU 10] EnterpriseN_lv-lv.esd
    [ LANG ] Norwegian [Norway] : nb-no
    [ PASS ] 23 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_nb-no.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_nb-no.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_nb-no.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_nb-no.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_nb-no.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_nb-no.esd
    [SKU 07] Education_nb-no.esd
    [SKU 08] EducationN_nb-no.esd
    [SKU 09] Enterprise_nb-no.esd
    [SKU 10] EnterpriseN_nb-no.esd
    [ LANG ] Dutch [Netherlands] : nl-nl
    [ PASS ] 24 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_nl-nl.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_nl-nl.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_nl-nl.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_nl-nl.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_nl-nl.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_nl-nl.esd
    [SKU 07] Education_nl-nl.esd
    [SKU 08] EducationN_nl-nl.esd
    [SKU 09] Enterprise_nl-nl.esd
    [SKU 10] EnterpriseN_nl-nl.esd
    [ LANG ] Polish [Poland] : pl-pl
    [ PASS ] 25 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_pl-pl.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_pl-pl.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_pl-pl.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_pl-pl.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_pl-pl.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_pl-pl.esd
    [SKU 07] Education_pl-pl.esd
    [SKU 08] EducationN_pl-pl.esd
    [SKU 09] Enterprise_pl-pl.esd
    [SKU 10] EnterpriseN_pl-pl.esd
    [ LANG ] Portuguese [Brazil] : pt-br
    [ PASS ] 26 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_pt-br.esd
    [SKU 02] Core_pt-br.esd
    [SKU 03] Cloud_pt-br.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreSingleLanguage_pt-br.esd
    [SKU 05] Education_pt-br.esd
    [SKU 06] Enterprise_pt-br.esd
    [ LANG ] Portuguese [Portugal] : pt-pt
    [ PASS ] 27 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_pt-pt.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_pt-pt.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_pt-pt.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_pt-pt.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_pt-pt.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_pt-pt.esd
    [SKU 07] CoreSingleLanguage_pt-pt.esd
    [SKU 08] Education_pt-pt.esd
    [SKU 09] EducationN_pt-pt.esd
    [SKU 10] Enterprise_pt-pt.esd
    [SKU 11] EnterpriseN_pt-pt.esd
    [ LANG ] Romanian [Romania] : ro-ro
    [ PASS ] 28 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_ro-ro.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_ro-ro.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_ro-ro.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_ro-ro.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_ro-ro.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_ro-ro.esd
    [SKU 07] Education_ro-ro.esd
    [SKU 08] EducationN_ro-ro.esd
    [SKU 09] Enterprise_ro-ro.esd
    [SKU 10] EnterpriseN_ro-ro.esd
    [ LANG ] Russian [Russia] : ru-ru
    [ PASS ] 29 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_ru-ru.esd
    [SKU 02] Core_ru-ru.esd
    [SKU 03] Cloud_ru-ru.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreSingleLanguage_ru-ru.esd
    [SKU 05] Education_ru-ru.esd
    [SKU 06] Enterprise_ru-ru.esd
    [ LANG ] Slovak [Slovakia] : sk-sk
    [ PASS ] 30 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_sk-sk.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_sk-sk.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_sk-sk.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_sk-sk.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_sk-sk.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_sk-sk.esd
    [SKU 07] Education_sk-sk.esd
    [SKU 08] EducationN_sk-sk.esd
    [SKU 09] Enterprise_sk-sk.esd
    [SKU 10] EnterpriseN_sk-sk.esd
    [ LANG ] Slovenian [Slovenia] : sl-si
    [ PASS ] 31 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_sl-si.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_sl-si.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_sl-si.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_sl-si.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_sl-si.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_sl-si.esd
    [SKU 07] Education_sl-si.esd
    [SKU 08] EducationN_sl-si.esd
    [SKU 09] Enterprise_sl-si.esd
    [SKU 10] EnterpriseN_sl-si.esd
    [ LANG ] Swedish [Sweden] : sv-se
    [ PASS ] 32 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_sv-se.esd
    [SKU 02] ProfessionalN_sv-se.esd
    [SKU 03] Core_sv-se.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreN_sv-se.esd
    [SKU 05] Cloud_sv-se.esd
    [SKU 06] CloudN_sv-se.esd
    [SKU 07] Education_sv-se.esd
    [SKU 08] EducationN_sv-se.esd
    [SKU 09] Enterprise_sv-se.esd
    [SKU 10] EnterpriseN_sv-se.esd
    [ LANG ] Thai [Thailand] : th-th
    [ PASS ] 33 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_th-th.esd
    [SKU 02] Core_th-th.esd
    [SKU 03] Cloud_th-th.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreSingleLanguage_th-th.esd
    [SKU 05] Education_th-th.esd
    [SKU 06] Enterprise_th-th.esd
    [ LANG ] Turkish [Turkey] : tr-tr
    [ PASS ] 34 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_tr-tr.esd
    [SKU 02] Core_tr-tr.esd
    [SKU 03] Cloud_tr-tr.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreSingleLanguage_tr-tr.esd
    [SKU 05] Education_tr-tr.esd
    [SKU 06] Enterprise_tr-tr.esd
    [ LANG ] Ukrainian [Ukraine] : uk-ua
    [ PASS ] 35 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_uk-ua.esd
    [SKU 02] Core_uk-ua.esd
    [SKU 03] Cloud_uk-ua.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreSingleLanguage_uk-ua.esd
    [SKU 05] Education_uk-ua.esd
    [SKU 06] Enterprise_uk-ua.esd
    [ LANG ] Chinese [PRC] : zh-cn
    [ PASS ] 36 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_zh-cn.esd
    [SKU 02] Core_zh-cn.esd
    [SKU 03] Cloud_zh-cn.esd
    [SKU 04] CoreSingleLanguage_zh-cn.esd
    [SKU 05] CoreCountrySpecific_zh-cn.esd
    [SKU 06] Education_zh-cn.esd
    [SKU 07] Enterprise_zh-cn.esd
    [ LANG ] Chinese [Taiwan] : zh-tw
    [ PASS ] 37 of 37
    [SKU 01] Professional_zh-tw.esd
    [SKU 02] Core_zh-tw.esd
    [SKU 03] Cloud_zh-tw.esd
    [SKU 04] Education_zh-tw.esd
    [SKU 05] Enterprise_zh-tw.esd
    [ USER ] [N]ew Search or [B]ack ?:
  5. EaglePC

    EaglePC MDL Expert

    Feb 13, 2012
    another one bites the dust
  6. Jaffar

    Jaffar MDL Member

    Jul 10, 2015
    Maybe they'll remove the watermark in an upcoming patch

    16299.2 or whatever it is.
  7. Leopeva64

    Leopeva64 MDL Expert

    Oct 4, 2016
    Maybe, that's what I was thinking, it would still be build 16299 ... with a "patch" or cumulative, let's wait.
  8. s1ave77

    s1ave77 Has left at his own request

    Aug 15, 2012
    Changed my AHK to start aria directly in CMD not the hidden RPC listen. This is more reliable and stable. Opened a thread in Mixed Languagues for the interested.

    Will become more sophisticated by using as much native AHK as possible for the task.
    Stop hovering to collapse... Click to collapse... Hover to expand... Click to expand...
  9. EaglePC

    EaglePC MDL Expert

    Feb 13, 2012
    true pending RTM doesn't happen likely it can 16299.(dot) something
  10. Zardoc

    Zardoc MDL Addicted

    Feb 7, 2008
    Anybody see iTunes store fix?

  11. maddog0266

    maddog0266 MDL Expert

    Apr 26, 2011
    The tool keeps giving me errors
    Not downloading
  12. dexter94

    dexter94 MDL Junior Member

    Dec 14, 2016
    Can not downgrade from skip ahead it says me no option to keep files
  13. MrAnalysis

    MrAnalysis MDL Senior Member

    Aug 4, 2012
    Think its more likely they are just using 16299.X to test before releasing RTM (16300.) Just last day or so to check for major issues. Any minor issues will probably changed with updates to RTM when its out rather than delaying it or pushing build number into rs4 territory.
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  14. BlackScout

    BlackScout MDL Member

    Aug 4, 2016
    #37 BlackScout, Sep 26, 2017
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2017

    Something tells me that's MS trying to fix the stuttering issues with Gaming.

    Also, is downgrading to rs3 really possible?
  15. Zardoc

    Zardoc MDL Addicted

    Feb 7, 2008
    Man this thread went dead as soon as it wasn't RTM as expected :eek:
  16. DiamondMon

    DiamondMon MDL Addicted

    Jul 31, 2009
  17. antonio8909

    antonio8909 MDL Guru

    Feb 16, 2014
    Linking ISOs from UUP is not allowed