I need a little help with the uup tool from slave. I run it with admin but seem to work until I download. Keeps giving me a error 2 timeout What gives, what am I doing wrong
This new tool to download really sucks. Have tried everything and I keep getting errorcode=2 Timeout Download aborted.
So the fact that many many people have used it for some days now, over and over again to successfully download UUP filesets, and tested it many times, without your error - is irrelevant!? You get an error therefore it sucks! Might it be a problem at server end, why not wait for the author or someone more in the know to answer where you posted rather than cussing it.
yes, but still have some stupid bugs xD for example now in: "Configuration -> System -> Storage" does not work xD
The creation of hiberfil.sys upon upgrade is beyond annoying now. Any creative idea how to prevent that? I have a feeling that this is now a feature, after years.
Open a command prompt with administrative privileges. Enter "powercfg.exe -h off" Exit the command prompt.
I have wrote about it some times on FeedBack but without any result. Thus immediatly after upgrade had to run "powercfg /h off".
Wow, now it says "Bienvenido" [Welcome in Spanish] instaid of "Página Principal" [Principal page] Strange error in x64: The installation program could not start correctly. Restart the computer and try to run the Windows 10 installation program again
Hi everybody ! I finished the installation on VM. Windows 10 launches with small display problems. And Sfc / scannow finds errors without being able to repair it ... Does anyone have the same problem?
SFC /SCANNOW reporting errors is somewhat normal behaviour for IP's. Run this line in an elevated CMD: Code: findstr /c:"[SR]" %windir%\Logs\CBS\CBS.log >"%userprofile%\Desktop\sfcdetails.txt" And post the txt from the sfcdetails.txt file.