One of my notebooks, Thinkpad R500, is of 2009 and it gone all of the Insider builds since 9841 and till 16299.15 upgraded to 17004. But this is THINKPAD: that is all depends nor on the AGE but on the QUALITY of the hardware and SUPPORT of the vendor.
Maybe you have a problem to clearly read my post's? I already stated that that machine I mainly use for testing, which started with that problem, was always on Insider Preview and came from the latest of 16xxx to 17004! on all 16xxx (incl. 16299) wasn't any problem. I'll simply wait for the next 17xxx build to see that problem will carry on! Tha computer just works fine and just bothers a bit because of that needed hard boot at any new first start of the day! Those other 2 machines I used for further testing, are back on their original OS, and was just used for to test that problem is related to more than just 1 computer! All I had and could say about that problem is already said!
Prolly some problems with switching the rings to offer new IP's, afaik they still have 16299.15 on fast and slow, nothing on RP (where 16299.15 should be, according to the announcements).