Microsoft Windows 10 October 2018 Update Version number will be 1809 RTM in Sept. Release to Public in October. It is pretty much Feature Complete. That gives them 2 Months between now and Sept. for Bugs and to work on performance & to remove De-Bug Code.
Buildfeed is now starting to show Builds from both RS5_Release & RS_Prerelease. 10.0.17713.1000 (rs5_release.180706-1551) 10.0.17713.1000 (rs_prerelease.180706-1641)
Pick an app for 7-zip does not work. The menu in Metro applications does not work. Notifications in Action center does not show on the display.
This build is relatively stable and working perfectly as it should. I haven't come across some of the listed issues though.
Uh guys, kindergarten? Anyone in the mood for a ban? Just a two page thread so far ... keep your sh*t together. Thanks.
I like the , Yup, I mentioned that in the flight notes there are two solutions, that is the second solution mentioned there and that I don't show: