In the blog post of build 17758 they mention a fix that will be in the next build. So no, this build is not final.
With such a bug (.NET 4.7.1) they will always flight a fixed build to have a clean start without the need for a CU. Remember 1803 where they revoked the RTM to release a fixed one.
17760.1 Known issues There are currently no major known issues to report but if anything pops up from Insiders, we’ll add it here as appropriate! OK i will buy that Monday
You know you are linking to a website offering UUP>ISO converted ISO's? I can't find any news on that site what we didn't already know (it's basically just a copy of the official MSFT announcement).
beta back in the days like win98 millennium,win2000 and etc was bad , win10 betas are just like rtm's
OT: is there any way to install, *handwriting*, *ocr* and *texttospeech* cabs downloaded with uupdl-master for the same build but in another language? Only microsoft-windows-client-languagepack-package_xx-xx-amd64-xx-xx.esd installs sucessfully using "Dism /online /Add-Package /PackagePath:<path>" over a en-us installation and changes the UI as it should, but the others will fail with a Error: 0x800f0950, while they can't also be downloaded under the language options settings GUI with the same error (offline user, not on insider program). I know I should wait for a version with proper language packs available, but I'm just curious if there's some workaround. Thanks!
Coincidentally, after installing this update on a en-us install, optional features for my local language (handwriting, ocr, typing) that is set as secondary, became available for auto-download (solving my previous post #93 issue).