Here is the correct color for the windows light theme on 1809 & older as set in Personalization / Colors 154 201 227 #9AC9E3 The Text will still be White on Taskbar not Black.
The RGB Color Values were taken from the Personalization / Colors from 18282.1000. The Taskbar is controlled separately so it's not the same & Taskbar Icons in 18282 are Black + Black Text. I Multi-Boot different versions of Win 10.
When using 'Auto hide taskbar in desktop mode ' and the taskbar is hidden , a white line of the taskbar is seen at the bottom … bad for my OLED, I hope MS will fix this so that the entire taskbar is hidden ( I am talking about the light theme taskbar of course)
It's also happen with black taskbar and also in 17763.1. So it's not bug. This is what I think. It's a style of the hidden taskbar.
LOL, of course not, in the build 17763 there is no white taskbar so the bug that mentions kosta (the white line along the entire taskbar) doesn't exist either.
I usually open Windows Store or other app every some minutes (2-5mins) due to my burn-in/image retention phobia HHH but even if the black taskbar leaves a black line across the bottom screen, its not easy to see but a white line is very disturbing . The entire taskbar should be hidden without showing a 1px line of the top of the taskbar... I'm not sure its a bug but a suggestion and for the light theme it definitely should be entirely hidden .
I'm not saying otherwise, in all my comments and images I'm talking about the light mode, in the build 17763 there isn't a long white line along the entire taskbar with the light mode enabled and when you choose to auto-hide the task bar, (someone said here that that long white line also appeared in the build 17763, that's the point of all this discussion).