buzzing sound? turn your pre-amp down. Windows volume control is in beta. I have a hard switch for my speakers. when I turn it off it sounds like a jet landing. I doubt it's your audio driver. edit: oh about the "friendly dates" people on feedback hub didn't think they were so friendly so MS has rolled those back a bit, and they are supposed to be fixing the stupid sound mixer. (in theory) they are on "vacation" which means they are working for the US government right now probably.
Someone has a problem playing YT videos with chrome. After update my laptop to this build sometimes is laggy. Edit. I know what the problem is, when change the desktop background the processor performance goes up from 8% to 52%. this cause lag issue in the whole PC. I will try a clean windows.
Possibly, when 19H1 is released to the masses someone might work on porting it to unsupported systems, but I highly doubt that anyone is going to port a brand new and unstable feature to 8.1.
So you are 12 year old boy who is in love in Windows insider and the most active user in this insider section of forum? I agree bro I agree.