- Introducing Top apps in Search - Dark mode now extended to Mail and Calendar ítems I'm wondering why they mentioned these things as new features of Build 18329, if these features were already present in Build 18323.
And it worked ! So to those interested: It doesn't matter if the release notes say that some editions are not available in your language; if you can get home/core edition, you can get them all.
That's how I always made my ProfessionalWorkstation iso's. But I was afraid that this time, since some edittions were not available in some languages, that these would also have been striped from the Core targets.
Hello guys!!!! Do you see some problems with this release? I play PUBG and some times, the insider previews provoke problems whit this game….Do you know some issue?
Sometime new features exist in previous builds. But about these features, I think "Top apps" connected to something so it updated in 18323 and Dark mode in Mail and Calendar are updated app for Insiders. BTW, I don't see the previous feature in Search : Recent activities.
In the known issues section for this build it's mentioned that games running anti-cheat software can trigger gsod. So i'm sure most multiplayer games might have issues.
Is this somekinda of slipstreem version without this metro s**t and other stupid unused stuff ? where i can donwload this version from thread -- 18329.1.190129-1504.19H1_RELEASE_CLIENTMULTI_UUP_x64FRE_EN-US.ISO