The use of an ISO means you did a clean install not an upgrade; we´re talking two different languages. An ISO has to be burned on a DVD or an USB flash memory; both support don't allow upgrades, just clean installations, that's not my situation. I need to do an upgrade for the reasons already explained. Even if I use Developer releases of almost every piece of software installed on my laptop I use it for my daily duties, its configured in a way I can't allow myself a clean install just coz MicroSoft isn´t able to guarantee an upgrade. That's not a problem of mine, MicroSoft should find a workaround. Do you think that iMac users always do a clean install everytime that a new build ot he OS is available? No way. I pretend the same from MicroSoft themselves: upgrading, not clean installs. I use developer releases to get the most recent pieces of software available on the market, not to format eveytime my laptop, I spend my time using the pc, not formatting it over and over and over. Sorry, MicroSoft never learned from its errors and never will. They´re a giant in the IT industry alike Google and Facebook and they do what they want, in spite of what the customer best needs. That´s a pity, in Google home too, with Google Drive mixed with Google Mail (really intolerable) but MS reduced from one day to another its cloud service from 15 GB to 7 GB, leaving to an user like me, plenty of accounts to lose a huge part of the files. Yeah, I know...I should pay even for breathing, so I could sleep well. What a strange policy to me: user is a lemon to squeeze. I stand with EFF. Regards.
You can upgrade by: ISO mounted in explorer ISO extracted to USB or a folder on the running system ISO burned to DVD As long as you run setup.exe from the root of the iso/usb/folder/dvd, on a running system.
Thanks for replying; it seems, after all, the hint, the bug resides in the builds themselves which don't allow upgrading and not on the user side. So, we´ll have to wait for a new build hoping that MS will solve the bug, if interested in, coz sometimes I ask to myself it MS really listen to us. All the best.
Never tried and ISO mounted in Explorer. All other ways are well known and the one way allowing me upgrading is an ISO extracted on a folder on the running system, but with latest two builds availables the OS rolls back, over and over. I will do a last try (coz I tired to modify my registry keys) with an ISO extracted to USB then if it too rolls back I send MS a huge F*** U waiting for a new build, coz I did´t intend to do a clean install (I have my own reason). If someone is able to suggest me a software which is able to backup all this build settings (even the registry ones) in order to apply them to the new build if I do a clean install, ok, I´m ready to do it, coz till now I didn't find it (Macrium Reflect doesn´t do that kind of job), otherwise sorry: OS rolling back? I sit and wait for a new decent build. I repeat, I don't intend to spend a week to rebuild my entire pc configuration (Windows tweaking, setting location of my software user profiles, location for temporary files, building profiles when a backup isn´t possible, reinstall the complete Office 2019 suite on the correct partition, tweaking the registry keys for POP, IMAP and Exchange location datas, adding all my mail accounts, no, it¨s quite crazy; MS call it illegal, I call ´em anachronists coz with a 500 GB SDD it´s quite logical to use partitions and trying to separate as much as possible the Windows OS core from all the rest, but surely I will die without seeing that changing of mind from MS, the dinosaurs of the IT, which have built the WIndows 10 on the old NT OS, instead to write a brand new code, built from the scratch). Why I use Windows if I´m so critical towards MS? 1) a last generation iMac is too expensive for me 2) Linux is not an OS, is a lot of distros with pieces of softwares incompatible between distros. The day that Linux will be a unique OS it will catch my attention. Regards,
Upgrade straight from Windows update. I came home this morning and my PC was ready for a restart/update.Usually, after doing that (and as long as I can remember since Win10 came out), my "Radeon Settings" software would be uninstalled automatically and replaced by "Radeon Lite" (fewer features) and my multi-monitor/HDMI audio settings would be reset to default. But this morning, after the update, everything was intact!
What kind of misinformation are we talking about? I complained a lot of times with MS and always I get in trouble with the same thing; they're on its way, they do what they like and stop; users are not a real target to them. iMac have a Time Capsule: where is a such thing for Windows? Just tell me. Am I talking misinformation? How hard is to reach the safe boot mode of Windows 10? A lot, especially for those users who don't like the new Start Menu and use the, what a pity, outdated, Classic Shell Menu, the best one so far, intuitive, customizable, wonderful. No sorry, its not misinformation, at MS are blindness and deaf coz of their position on the market. Regads.
I don't expect that the build works completely fine (I perfectly aware they're testing releases, I´m not a fool), but yes I expect I could at least make an upgrade. If I can't even upgrade what can i pretend from an OS? Testing it on my mind? Sorry, I've not such powers, not yet. May be, before to die God will gift me with such powers, but till then I need to be able to upgrade an OS; then, I´ll make regular backup copies to be sure that if something goes wrong I´ve a backup copy on which I can count on, but upgrade has to be granted, sorry. That's my opinion. Doesn´t mind which use I do of my OS, it doesn't matter at all, not MS not anyone, it's my choice, only mine.
Nope, no clean install here mate... build the ISO from the UUP Dump in the OP, used WinRAR ( yes i know this isnt the safest ways to use ISO's but it works ) to uncompress to a folder in the C Drive, run setup.exe with admin rights, setup then goes through the initial steps & checks, then at 1 stage just before installing, it asks do you want to keep all files & settings... I go for yes, and it upgrades... no clean install what so ever... [Edit] Sorry, was to late with response, Enthousiast already responded
Exactly what I did, except that the uncompressed folder was on D: and not on C:; does it mark a difference? With build 18932 it dindt; I have to use UUP Dump coz I´ve no access to regular updates thru WIndows Update even if I'm part of the program. I suppose it depends on the UUP Dump ISOs that took me away the Windows Insider control (if I don't use UUP Dump ISOs I have no access to RS5 Builds via Windows Insider regular program if my memory is good, the very early builds)..
shouldnt, as once i did it from a Z partition as i didnt have enough space on my C... I always try to have atleast 30gb free as eventually the .old folder build up... are you sure you had enough space on C and the hidden partition that Windows creates?
ok, so i have been researching this error ( cause it could happen to me 1 day, we all know how MS is... ) some users have gotten this error with previous installs with Win10 de to encryption... have you got ANY encryption active? if so, you will need to decrypt, and try again... other than that, sorry, you will need to possibly wait for the next build... Cheers D
There's no way for them to know the upgrade is going to work on all possible hardware configurations. That's what these preview builds are for - identifying and ironing out bugs. It makes no sense at all for you to find fault in Microsoft because a preview build is not behaving the way you expect it to.