[DISCUSSION] Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 18941.1001 (PC) [FAST & SKIP - rs_prerelease]

Discussion in 'Windows 10' started by Enthousiast, Jul 18, 2019.

  1. SAM-R

    SAM-R MDL Guru

    Mar 21, 2015
    Windows is not your OS. You have a license to use Windows BUT you do not own it. Read the EULA, it is clear.
  2. juancito1968

    juancito1968 MDL Junior Member

    Feb 5, 2013
    That´s the big mistake MS do; when whe buy a license we should be the owner of the OS; anyway I really don´t mind what the EULA state, I do with Windows what in my logical opinion is convenient to do, coz if I expect MS will understand how the modern pc technolobilty gy is and how Windows has to be configured wto work better on modern disks that aren´t the same ones as for Windows NT came out.
    Can I disagree with MS or not?
    Can I think with my own mind or not?
    May I have to move a trial to MS to let they understand what does it mean to let WIndows Core be completely (or the maximum as possible separated) from the rest of the OS?
    Core is Core, Programs are Programs, Data is Data and Temporary Files are Temporary Files.
    For that software like EaseUS Partition Master exist.
    A tactile monitor is not the same as a normal monitor, so the Modern apps are completely useless using a mouse, MS should understand that too.
    But when a giant is seated on its own glory its difficult that they can see the reality the way it should be seen.
    BTW. Upgrading isn´t a problem of hardware, as someone wrote, is an OS bug, so a MS fault, and due to that a MS responsibility to assure its testers that all their builds could be used for upgrading, if they wanna have feedback from testers; if don´t, well, they could even stop releasing early builds, because they´re not really interested in a feedback.
    They are telling: that´s what we offer to you , like you or not, that´s not our business.
    (Hey sir, you can,t drive on the right side in the USA; Is anyone hearing you? Same for MS, but its the UNIQUE OS available for normal PCs, coz I can´t install a regular iMac on my PC nor does exist an UNIQUE Linux build, like Android, but a lot of distros completely different between them; in fact if I wanna install an Opera Browser for Linux it doesn´t has be released: I´ve to look the Opera for my distro if it does exist, and I dislike it, its the great Linux black hole, and the reason why it will never be a menace for iMac and Windows, apart for its complexity).
    Now, I expect its ended the judgment day, coz I didn´t entered this forum to judge or to be judged.
    Live and let live.

    P.S. I´ll tell you more: on stable builds of Windows I also take away from its core the complete user profile, isolating more again the core.
    Then call me crazy or write me to fly to the MS headquarters to explain them my ideas and buy from them a brand new Windows built on my specifics, coz they´re unable to see beyond their own nose. End of question developers and programmers.
    As far as I know you´re able to know the IP address I´m connecting from (I´m using no VPN and no proxies, I´ve nothing to hide): if someone of you wanna send a complete report to the local MS branch office, feel free to do it.
  3. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    Does anybody really read these endless rants?
  4. Micro

    Micro MDL Member

    Apr 26, 2009
    I do.
    I amuse easily :)
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  5. windows builder

    windows builder MDL Guru

    Sep 13, 2017
    Smaller words, please!
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  6. juancito1968

    juancito1968 MDL Junior Member

    Feb 5, 2013
    I´m not using Twitter, and he who laughs last laughs longest.
    Learn respecting other points of views to be respected.
    Anyway I entered here not to argue with anyone, so if you can´t / won´t be of any help please, at least, leave me alone.
    Thank you so much.
  7. windows builder

    windows builder MDL Guru

    Sep 13, 2017
    for God's sake!
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  8. boyonthebus

    boyonthebus MDL Expert

    Sep 16, 2018
    @juancito1968: We are sincerely sorry you have had such a poor experience with our operating system. Please open Feedback Hub, and give us a detailed report, or else just turn in your End User License Agreement, and delete the Windows Operating System from your computer. Perhaps you would have better luck with Apple or Linux.

    The Microsoft Team
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  9. juancito1968

    juancito1968 MDL Junior Member

    Feb 5, 2013
    Tx 4 the suggestions, but as already explained I can't afford the purchase of an iMac and Linux is not yet a UNIQUE OS alike iMac and WIndows (I already wrote it!!!)
    The one poor experience I'm having is that the last Insider Build doesn't allow me to upgrade, so I can´t test the OS.
    For the rest, they´re not poor experiences, they´re my personal ways to adapt Windows to a PC according to my personal point of view.
    On the Feedback Hub I will copy and past what I posted over here about the Insider Preview 18941.1000 (RS_PRERELEASE) AMD64 and its predecessors 18936.1000.
    Repetita iuvant: I install and configure Windows my own way; don't think that's illegal when a license is paid (license doesn't tell me what can I do or not).
    Best regards.

    P.S. If you wanna buy me the last iMac laptop I won't say no. - Could we now stop this sterile discussion plz?
  10. stoppen

    stoppen MDL Member

    Jun 10, 2012
    You sound like a child that blames his instrument because you can't play. Being a insider means you have to work to make things better. If you can't. Quit crying about it.
    My grandson don't complain about things he works to resolve the things he don't like. And; He is only 8 years old today. So get over it.
  11. boyonthebus

    boyonthebus MDL Expert

    Sep 16, 2018
    Well then clean install!
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  12. juancito1968

    juancito1968 MDL Junior Member

    Feb 5, 2013
    Being an insider means testing a product (whatever the product is).
    In the specific case, if I can't install WIndows by upgrading it coz of a bug how can I test it?
    That's the question!
    No way! My time is quite precious, sorry, and is not meant to lose in stupid MS bugs.
    I'll do a clean install again when I´ll see a pig like D*****d flying with your own wings.
    Please, please, please, don't offend my intelligence anymore with clean install.
    It seems no one of you read what I wrote, so please, by now on, don´t bother me anymore.
    Ne me répondez pas plus.
    No me respondan más.
    No me respondéis más.
    Non rispondetemi piú.
    Have you so much time to lose?
    Spend it in helping other users if you can; you´re stressing me, sincerely.
  13. MS_User

    MS_User MDL Guru

    Nov 30, 2014
    users having issues with insider should stay on public build....u need a test machine just for insider build theirs a lot of users complain because they make the rookie mistake of using insider build as their main OS u never ever do that!!!
  14. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    Till last year I upgraded to all offered IP builds for over 2 years on my main system, not one problem, but it was wearing down my ssd, so now i only run the IP's in a VM.
  15. boyonthebus

    boyonthebus MDL Expert

    Sep 16, 2018
    It takes me 30 minutes including customizations, and installing all my programs.
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  16. juancito1968

    juancito1968 MDL Junior Member

    Feb 5, 2013
    I don´t use VMs, even if I, obviously, I know ´em. My choice. I´ve so much things to do that have no time for VMs. If someday God will make a 48 hs day, maybe I´ll the time to dedicate a portion of my time to VMs. Till now, no way, I have no time at all.
    Maybe my nephew, a gamer, but am not sure if my old laptop (now yours) is VMs ready.
  17. Enthousiast

    Enthousiast MDL Tester

    Oct 30, 2009
    I don't care what you use, i just told about my experience and reason why i stopped running IP builds on my main system and moved to VM only.
  18. boyonthebus

    boyonthebus MDL Expert

    Sep 16, 2018
    If you have so little time on your hands, why are you spending so much time arguing on our forum?
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  19. juancito1968

    juancito1968 MDL Junior Member

    Feb 5, 2013
    Come to Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, European Union, and both start installation from scratch. Then I wanna see what you achieved in 30 mins.
    If you achieved the same as me my bank account is yours and my future revenue as IT technician (installer of OS) as well.
    If not what is for me?