I DON´T HAVE issues; simply with the last two builds I can´t upgrade my OS; more than an issue I call it a great bug from MS, that will me lead to wait for a brand new build, hoping MS will have solved that bug. For the rest I never had special issues using IP builds (translating errors, yes; difficult to get access to emergency recuperation way, but is the same thing in stable builds, nothing special, during my regular use with all installed software; maybe I´ve been lucky).
I never do upgrades, it takes too long, and I can clean install,and be back up and running just like before in 30 minutes. Does the EU measure time in minutes like we in the U.S. do? Anyway, perhaps you should cleanse the air with sage before you attempt an upgrade. That will keep the bad juju away.
Sure, NASA gifted you with a computer, or maybe you´re like on of these YT gamers I see that spend thousand of U$D in building a machiine; sorry, I´m not so fanatic, nor I´ll be. I´m not a gamer, nor I´ll be,
You insist with clean installs; stay with them; I stay with upgrading. Want you stay with Lamborghini? I will stay with Ferrari. End of discussion dude. You won´t change my mind.
The one who seems having fun, IMHO, its you, not me. I wrote, till now, logical, as ever, datas, things, theories. What did u do, big dude?
Sorry, my income is insufficient for any form of transportation besides public. Also my Ryzen 7 1700 was a gift from a friend. My only source of income is government Social Security.
Lucky you, I left Spain for 6 months going to Argentina and when be back I asked for government Social Security.income but I´ve been told I´ve to wait another two years before I can apply.for that. Different rules. Lucky you, once more. Over here to get help from Government you can´t leave E.U., just alike old U.R.S.S.
You need to grow up!! Your ranting on just makes you look smaller and smaller. Oh, yeah primary language hear is English.