You read very selective, don't you? there is no new start menu in 18950...
Mine stopped downloading at 99% for some reason. Had to reboot my router so it would resume to 100% and install...
Has anyone done an in-place upgrade from build 18947? I did it and there was only one reboot during the whole process, normally there are three.
Mine stalled at 6% also, BUT I just let it sit as my HDD activity light showed something was happening. After almost 15 minutes it started downloading again. It did stall twice more, but only for 1 minute and 2 minutes each, both times showing HDD activity. After 100% it asked when to install as usual. I did an in-place upgrade from 945 and it required 3 reboots, seemed much slower than previous builds when installing. After installing, just another build, Just as fast as 945, no problems observed yet.
I have a problem with this build in that when I started the Microsoft Solitaire Collection, it automatically logged me into XBOX Live and assigned me a name. Looking at that profile it states being online but showing to others I am offline. Don't know what happened. This has never done this. I uninstalled XBox from this computer, still does it. Can't remove the XBox account from Microsoft. So does anyone know how to fix it so it doesn't autologin to Xbox and remove the profile??? I don't use it and will never use it but Microsoft thinks I need it to play Solitaire. Never needed it before this build.. Bill
It could be that all the MS games are now connected to the Xbox cloud so it wants u to first log into Xbox to play solitaire.