Hrm, you might be up to something. There is nothing interfering, but... I just had to exchange the drive in question (6 TiB magnetic HDD) because the old one showed faults. All the data has been copied over (that alone took very long) but the drive hasn't been defragged, yet. Thanks to your analysis, I found a very simple cause: Creation and possibly removal of the _tmp directory takes too long. The "Access denied" messages occur because the system is still in the process of removing the previous _tmp directory and can't create the new one. I proved that by inserting a hard 3 secs pause after both the mkdir and rmdir commands. That slowed expanding somewhat but makes it work. Now my question: Would it be possible to make that process more stable? Like the following (very bad) example: Code: mkdir E:\_tmp :mkloop if exist E:\_tmp goto mkloopout timeout.exe /T 1 /NOBREAK >nul goto mkloop :mkloopout . . . rmdir E:\_tmp :rmloop if not exist E:\_tmp goto rmloopout timeout.exe /T 1 /NOBREAK >nul goto rmloop :rmloopout I'm sure there are much more elegant methods. I'm a bit rusty, my batch times were with MS-DOS, lol.
We might not get a new build this week given it's a short work week. But if we do, why care about what build number it will be?
Guess Thursday. Today is Labor Day in USA (A Major Holiday here) & Microsoft should be closed puting them a day behind.
A nasty bug has turned up on my computer:-file explorer sometimes won't show all my jpg photos and sometimes none at all and it would suggest a memory problem but never had this problem before this build.
Another annoying bug: Search and Cortana stop working after several hours. System restore works to start them again, but after several hours they both stop. Nasty, nasty bug.
No, to enable that search box in the lock screen you have to use a third-party tool (which Microsoft explicitly recommends not to use), Microsoft has never officially enabled that "feature" in the insider builds.