I had the same problem, over 90 minutes and only made it to 5 percent so far. Granted, my internet is only 20 megabits, but it still never proceeds this slowly.
Just a couple of seconds and it was done here but I grabbed mine right after it was announced. I have fiber that maxes at 900 megs and it sure looked close to saturated.
Well after the last upgrade taking 4 hours to complete, this time I set the alarm for 3.am switched on the computer for upgrade and went back to bed....erm have to find away around clicking the "restart" button so it does it on auto......for the final bit.
en-GB image, Download took just over 3 minutes here Optimized the image using Optimize-Offline 13 minutes O-O Log Here ... upgraded from 19042.487 (Daily Driver), installation took 28 minutes... all seems ok EDIT: version reverted back to 2004 from 2009
This version is 100% more stable and usable than the 19041/2 build. I held back way to long to install this. Never going back to that awful build, my god. My ssd was disconnecting, constant disk errors, takes ages to load on a sdd drive aswel
can somebody run 'vivetool queryconfig all' and send me the output. I lost the ms edge alt tab option under multitasking in settings and want to add it back; maybe see what other experiments/features i'm missing out on Edit: Don't bother already got it. Google was helpful
Well I had a crash yesterday and the computer restarted so quickly I didn't have time to note the cause .
Please, can somebody list the feature configuration to show edge multitasking options in Settings app and enable alt+tab in Edge? you can use vivetool queryconfig all to list feature configs. Or simply open regedit then export and send me this key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\FeatureManagement\Overrides Edit: Don't bother already got it. Google was helpful
Hello guys. I have problems after update to this build. I can't use nvidia graphics card on my laptop. I can only use Intel graphics, I have reinstalled the graphics drivers again, but that problem still continues. Any help please? I don't want to format my laptop yet. Regards.