rcstar6696 This is the last week of Feb., is there any update on any part of "Sun Valley" showing up on Dev_Channel ? (Start Menu, Rounded Corners, Finish updating the Icons Still have Icons from Win 95)
the following Sun Valley is in Dev 21318 I am running it looks good notice colors are more accurate and opening and closing apps have a 3d affect i think any new system builder should run it far as security who knows this 21/h2 is looking promising
You mean the increase and decreasing of opened windows and when closing them? That's in for quite a while now.
Lol, they could very well remove the "10" in the Dev channel build's branding. Keep it Just "Windows".
I am using Windows Insider, getting every Friday the new build automatically installed and last Friday, together with the "2021-02 Cumulative Update Preview for .NET Framework 3.5 and 4.8" After re-booting and login, my screen stayed black. After rolling back to the previous build, the screen switched every second from wallpaper to complete white to wallpaper and so on and does also not stop, even when open the Task Manager. The windows explorer is not loaded and I can't do anything, except shutting down the computer by ctrl+alt+del procedure. When booting with option 7 (No driver enforcement) the flickering is gone When booting with option 3 (Low resolution) the flickering is gone After restoring my computer with an Image backup from a 3rd Party Program, I figured that the "NET Framework 3.5 and 4.8" is causing the Flicker problem, because it was automatically downloaded and after I restarted my computer, the flickering was there again. The Windows insider Update which turned my screen black was not yet installed at this time. - I was able to re-produce this problem 3 times. Problem is: Regardless how I start my computer and also whether I login as the local admin or as an admin user, the windows update is not anymore working after the NET Framework update was installed, therefore, I am unable to uninstall it. I also completely uninstalled, my Graphic Card driver re-booted my PC and reinstalled it again before reinstalling the NET Framework update, without any changes. The screen flickers always after the NET Framework update. For now I have paused all Updates, however, I am only able to hold it for 7 days. Is there any way to prevent the NET Framework from automatically installing? I hope that when I install the next build this Friday, that the black-Screen Problem will be fixed. Perhaps it was caused by the NET Framework update as well?