Everything looks good so far. Lost News and Interests, but they said it might happen. WiFi was a bit flaky on the last build. Hopefully it is back to normal.
just upgraded to this build.. Got offered 1.333.180.0 defender definitions KB5001030 net framework update ... and issue Desktop looks a bit large to me so.. went in to Personalizatuon .. 1 option available -- Background Edit: checked Display Settings - Upgrade changed it from 125% (my choice) to 200% - My resolution 3840 x 2160
fix for quick assist on arm from previous builds works partially. the app opens, but there is permanent "connecting" status when trying to help anyone. fix for radio monitor driver works.
This is by far the buggiest build I've ever tested until now. 1. The Build refuses to reboot on its own, have to press the physical restart button on the computer's case; 2. NVMe driver seems to be slightly borked, as I get small microfreezes and the event viewer shows the following: "stornvme \Device\RaidPort1 device reset issued". Other than that the build is fine. Also I lost the new icons in Settings.
Also Disk monitoring tools such as HD Sentinel and Crystal DiskInfo do not run, their processes hang on task manager and cannot be terminated, showing a "Access denied" error, I believe that's because of the nvme driver bug I mentioned. I use a WD SN750 500GB PCIe SSD. Oh well, that's life in the fast lane.
This build is much much better, all that needs fixing is the flickering when you have apps running and an overlay needs to be used. Amazon prime video in web browser still goes black
UPDATE 3/15: We are starting to roll out Cumulative Update Build 21332.1010 (KB5001478). This update does not include anything new and is designed to test our servicing pipeline. (AS USUAL)