The read speed is fine, for some reason the write speed as been impacted, its just forza that takes a while to load. I have a nvme 4000 read and 3000 write, can only get 899 write
Minor Issue with this build: Taskbar (set to Bottom) Have my Notification Area set to Never Combine, and Taskbar set to Auto-Hide On first reveal all appears fine, but on subsequent reveals 1. Language Bar, Clock and Notification Icon dissapears.. remaining startup icons appear in what seems to be a scroll bar showing 4 at a time (I am able to navigate l/r or r/l to select items)... but ultimately the whole notification area (startup items included) disappears forcing me to sign out and in again 2. If I increase the height of the Taskbar the startup icons appear stacked (4 deep) , but on subsequent reveals Clock and Notification Icon disappears... again leading to the disappearance of the whole startup Language bar Clock etc. will not return (unless sign out or re-boot). Pinned Items are not affected.
It's updated already and I'm not expecting to receive new ones as my laptop already reached EOL state, last BIOS update it received was in late 2016. Still, all virtualization software I ever needed to run on it (both from Microsoft as well as from other companies) always worked flawlessly, until build 21327 went live...
I guess just be patient, my pc would bsod on previous builds if i enabled hyperv but the last few builds seem fine. Im not going to tempt fate by trying vmware or virtual box lol
Why does every tweet lacking any info makes you so exited, every time? Maybe just wait till dev channel restarts spitting out rs_prerelease builds.
"This PC" don't transfered to Windows Tools (It was in Windows System folder). You can't find it in Search anymore. Only to add it by Personalization -> Themes. It's not really the same.
Anyway apparantly in the summer we'll be getting builds from co_refresh - whether Dev will get those builds or Beta I'm unsure as co_refresh is at 216xx rather than 213xx and 223xx
You have to run this reg key everytime you run windows update reg add "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\WindowsUpdate\UX\Settings" /f /v ScanMicrosoftOnly /t REG_DWORD /d 0x01 they resets after every run