Sorry, I meant in 21390 mounting the 22000 ISO and upgrading, which I thought was valid because my 21390 build is a lower number than 22000. I thought I found a "downgrade" loophole just by waiting so long to do this and making it an "upgrade" by virtue of the build numbers, but perhaps not!
First time you mention being on that build in this context. In that scenario it should work to upgrade and first exit the insider program.
Hello. i have problem with uup files, because when i use multiarch_iso file, and it onverts editions , its stuck on enterprise. Any solutions? i want to have this build.
"Adding winre.wim to install.esd . . ." it stuck here? P.S. right-click on the cmd window top border, choose Edit > Select All press the mouse right button to copy (or again from top border) then paste the copied text into [ Code] tag
No, im stuck on creating virtual editions =============================================== Current Edition: Enterprise ===============================================