hmm, who wishes to share Microsoft-Windows-EditionSpecific-CloudE-Package.ESD for 17755.1? or better yet the version xinso has created? lol
Is it possible to convert 17655.1000 CloudE (Retail) to 17755.1 CloudE? (Retail/Volume) From C:\Windows\System32\spp\store_test To C:\Windows\System32\spp\store First attemp failed. Second attemp failed: store_test removed, but store did not appear.
Upgrade is not Conversion. Replacing only WAT package and License package. From Time-Bomb to RTM activation.
Hi xinso! You are really amazing.Another version which one I like to test.Can you give me a link? Thanx a lot!
Currently, I have not thought of how to make 17755.1 CloudE, similar to 17655.1000.180420-1850.RS_PRERELEASE_CLIENTCLOUDE_OEM_X64FRE
17755.1 CloudE, There is currently no download connection and can only be converted via the Licence package