Well for one it's a NAT switch which makes networking and RDP/remote access quite difficult. It's basically only good for connecting to the internet but if you want to do any actual networking or remote access connecting, you'll need to create your own external switch like before (which is how it should have stayed). And the fact they made this NAT default switch irremovable is ridiculous. Not only does it function at the absolute basic level due to the fact it's a NAT switch, but it can't be removed/replaced, nor can it be modified.
ISO\WIM does not need to go in the same folder. Just put the path to the image when you call the script. Open an elevated PowerShell console, navigate to the script's directory, type: And just wait.
@GodHand Include this file in your folder, and everything is much simpler. Code: @Echo Off color 1f (cd /d "%~dp0")&&(NET FILE||(powershell start-process -FilePath '%0' -verb runas)&&(exit /B)) >NUL 2>&1 cls set SOURCEPATH= echo. echo ============================================================ echo Enter/Paste the path to ISO or Install.wim echo ============================================================ echo. set /p SOURCEPATH= cls powershell .\ConvertTo-PfW.ps1 -SourcePath "%SOURCEPATH%"
I converted the ImageX.exe to a Base64 encoded .txt file, so if the script does not detect ImageX.exe in its root directory, it will invoke a webrequest to get the encoded content from the repository and then it will convert the .txt file to the ImageX.exe program. So either way you can add ImageX to the root directory of the script, or not include it at all.
You just call the script from an elevated PowerShell console with the -SourcePath parameter pointing to your multi-index or single-index ISO/WIM that contains Windows 10 Home. *EDIT* I added a RunMe.cmd batch script that you can use to call the script (after adding the path location of the ISO/WIM).
Why not use wimlib-imagex? Code: wimlib-imagex info install.wim 1 "Pro for Workstations" "Pro for Workstations" wimlib-imagex info install.wim 1 --image-property DISPLAYNAME="Pro for Workstations" wimlib-imagex info install.wim 1 --image-property DISPLAYDESCRIPTION="Pro for Workstations" wimlib-imagex info install.wim 1 --image-property FLAGS="ProfessionalWorkstation" One liner version: Code: wimlib-imagex info install.wim 1 "Pro for Workstations" "Pro for Workstations" --image-property DISPLAYNAME="Pro for Workstations" --image-property DISPLAYDESCRIPTION="Pro for Workstations" --image-property FLAGS="ProfessionalWorkstation"
@GodHand Perhaps in your cmd file you could add "Enter Path to Extracted ISO" then in your powershell command you could copy install.wim, and EI.cfg to sources directory, and create ISO. An option to convert install.wim to install.esd would also be appropriate. Then ISO of ProWorkstation would be saved to the desktop.
Would probably be cleaner just to add a -CreateISO switch where the script will open the ISO and copy all its contents recursively to a temporary directory and then remaster a new ISO after everything's completed. The more stuff that's added the slower the script will run, hence why it does not include anything flashy like that. When I have some time I will add some additional functions to it for those that want them while also keeping the regular one available just for the sake of speed.
Maybe it is the sign that it would be better to have different hobby? .ie I do not know mechanics of car engine, so I am not tinkering with it, as long as car drives I am happy, and leave the maintenance to my mechanic
That is rather a nasty reply for someone's very first post on the forum. Give the guy a break. How about saying "What is the problem then?", "What was the error", "What did you do", or even "Did you have a problem with a specific command" Otherwise we all take our cars to the mechanic and don't bother learning anything at all. It isn't always easy but in this case (as a guess) I'd say drag and drop the .wim object onto the .cmd object.
Not at all, it was just a good advice. That is the very most annoying thing, first post being an instant question, instead of reading/learning/trying & ONLY then asking a question (but NOT that ONE!)