sorry, can't tell you which functions are available, i wanted only to point that when you do an upgrade from an edtion to another, you could benefit of real functions of the upgraded edition and this is the case when you have home installed then want to switch to Pro WS, at this moment you can do the upgrade and you will benefit of real functions of Pro WS. Not all home versions allow to upgrade to Pro WS, i know that 1607 (14393) version does not allow to do this, 16278 version does.
Quick check RS3 default SKU: 1. dism /online /get-currentedition Spoiler Microsoft Windows [版本 10.0.16299.248] (c) 2017 Microsoft Corporation. 著作權所有,並保留一切權利。 C:\windows\system32>dism /online /get-currentedition 部署映像服務與管理工具 版本: 10.0.16299.15 映像版本: 10.0.16299.248 目前的版本是: 目前的版本 : ProfessionalWorkstation 操作順利完成。 2. Is it ProfessionalWorkstation.xml in C:\Windows dir /b c:\windows\*.xml Spoiler C:\windows\system32>dir /b c:\windows\*.xml ProfessionalWorkstation.xml 3. Is it ProfessionalWorkstationEdition.xml in C:\Windows\servicing\Editions dir /b C:\Windows\servicing\Editions\*Edition.xml Spoiler C:\windows\system32>dir /b C:\Windows\servicing\Editions\*Edition.xml ProfessionalWorkstationEdition.xml
i think it can be possible, there is a trick found by @Nucleus that allows to upgrade from pro to LTSB 2016 through registry (by keeping your apps and data) so i suppose that you can use this trick to upgrade to any needed win10 edition. As i am not sure if it will work in your case (for Pro WS) and to avoid to face problems later, i recommand that you test the trick on VM about upgrading to Pro WS and this way you'll know if it works. Here's the trick => here
That's not changing editions, that's just something to be able to upgrade from a not supported upgrade path. For switching to Pro-WS you just have to enter the appropriate key or use online set-edition dism command.
I gave two options, but the online set-edition option was mentioned here, somewhere, iirc. testing now
To me changing edition is pretty the same as upgrading to another edition because we don't know if her current installed edition is Pro, if it's the case yes, he will just have to enter the appropriate key to switch to Pro WS as you said but if it's not the case, applying the trick will do the job, i suppose.
yes you're right, in all these cases, switch license will work but if his current installed win10 edition does not figure among these editions so in that case using the trick will be the solutuon, right ?
Then just upgrade to a build which supports Pro-WS with the same sku as installed and next do the license-switch.
You won't be able to do it with certain win10 editions, for example, let's say that his current win10 ediiton is LTSB 2016, in that case, he won't be able to upgrade to the same sku as you mentionned previously next do the license-switch because afaik you can't do the upgrade and keep apps and data from LTSB 2016 to (pro/edu/ent), no other choice but to use the trick to be able to upgrade from LTSB 2016 to Pro WS.
I wished MSFT never had promoted Pro-WS on builds that don't support it yet. It would have prevented all these useless discussions about it, and almost no-one in this thread will have the needed hardware for even using it's capabilities.
Only is useful to change Server EVALs into full-blown SKUs and never worked on Client SKUs . Edit: Even if it shows available Targets the process will fail with error on Client SKUs.
so correct me if i'm wrong you can do the full upgrade to WS only from server systems ? i believe that you can upgrade to WS from home edition (not all home versions).