I know, but the thing is, on 16299,, switching from Home to Pro for WS using the key actually gave me CBS = Pro for WS but now on this preview built, switching from Home to Pro for WS gave me a CBS of Professional only that's what I'm confused about
@Enthousiast Im gonna do a clean install again with the latest 17107 build but this time I am switching it to Pro for WS so that's installed from the get go using your instructions
@enthusiast Thank you for all your excellent work for MDL. I made my first Win 10 Pro for Workstations Iso using your procedure for Win 10 16257.1. I made subsequent iso's using Slave 77's excellent Wim Switcher. The iso's install and work well on my computer. However, I haven't been able to activate using the recommended key's from the product.ini. Activation using abbodi's "Great" KMS_VL_ALL works just fine. I live in the US and activate from MS's servers in California. I don't know if they're the same as MS's servers in England. I've checked my downloaded iso hashes and found no problems. I would like to have a digital activation linked to my MS account by the time Pro Workstation can be updated by MS servers.
Not sure what I did wrong, When I made the ISO after changing the install.wim I entered the key ending in XD863 but it gave me an error saying something about it didn't match with the edition on the ISO. So I installed without entering a key. Once the OS booted it showed it was PWS. I entered the key ending in XD863 and activated. I signed into my MS account and then upgraded using a ISO to 16299. This is what I get currently.
Not sure why the key wasn't accepted during the installation but what we know for sure is that the key (-XD863) must be entered after the installation so you can get your WS activated.
You can't enter a key at initial setup for a non existing sku in the install.wim. And the key you've used doesn't work anymore (only on the 16251 <> 16288 range). Either create an iso which contains the sku or install home or pro without entering a key and insert the non gVLK key from product.ini after installing, for Home it will upgrade to pro-ws and for pro it will do a license switch to pro-ws. On 16299.xxx Pro-ws is not supported and licenseswitches aren't done 100% correct.
Man this is confusing as hell. 1 person says to do it this way another person says to do it this way.
It's been known how it all works since 162xx insider builds. Your screenshots are unreadable for me too.
This is the explanation which works: Create Pro-WS by using offline dism set-edition manually or WES from Home from IP in the range of 16251 <> 16288, install it and use the retail activation key, it will activate, next upgrade to a more current build, or generate a genuineticket,xml using the gatherosstate.exe, clean install a more curren pro-ws build and apply the genuineticket.xml, it will get a free Digital License aka HWID.
you don't have a full WS edition, you still have professional edition installed on your machine, you did only a switch-license from pro to WS. THis was confirmed by running the command : dism /online /get-currentedition it showed that you have Professional.
No, you did a licenseswitch on a build that doesn't support it 100%, when you would have done what it repeatedly is posted it would have said Pro-ws but it won't get updates. All info is posted every time a new member gets interested for the last 6-7months.