yes @xinso told me about that, he has a trick to get updates work on WS but he does not want to tell about it for some reason.
They're my own cmdlets/modules that I call from a compiled DLL file that contains all the required methods. After calling the compiled DLL, you can access all the methods' functions using .NET framework classes. I.E. I call my .DLL at the "Begin" code-block in a function and assign a variable to the .NET class that utilizes the method so I can easily access all other methods on the same namespace: $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message $RootPath = (Get-Location).Path Push-Location ([System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath((Resolve-Path $RootPath).Path)) $WIM_INTEROP = "$RootPath\Bin\Omnic.WimInterop.dll" If (Test-Path -Path $WIM_INTEROP -PathType Leaf) { [void][Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom($WIM_INTEROP) $WIMFile = [Omnic.WIMInterop.WimFile]::New($WIM) } Then just use the variable to do whatever you want: $ImageEdition = $WIMFile.Images[0].Flags $ImageInfo = $WIMFile[$ImageEdition] $ImageVersion = $ImageInfo.Version etc. Applying an image is as easy as $WIMFile[$($Index - 1)].Apply($Destination) Mounting the image is rarely required to do anything. WimGapi opens the WIM on a special protected handle without having to actually mount it to access/change/modify much of its internal attributes.
are you talking about the digital license that was linked to your account before you rebuild the new converted iso WS 16278 from home 16278 ? Look at the first screen
No i wasn't talking about that, i saw both screens, i am not blind, lol, i was referring to the comment he posted few posts back.
His comment was based on lack of knowledge, the HWID is for Pro-ws, why does everything have to be explained to you more than once, can't be the language barrier.
sorry but his comment made me think again about this but since you are sure it was for WS, that's fine with me.
@Enthousiast you told me that the trick to get updates work on WS consists in modifying the registry by adding ProfessionalWorkStation, correct ? if so, where do you exactly have to add ProfessionalWorkStation in registry ?
I nowhere said that, xinso posted it last week, i can't find it anymore because of pages of nonsense posts in this thread.