That's an editing tool - it does not mount it as have to extract first. If you want to create an iso from a mounted image then that's a different story - just make it make UDF bootable and save it. Edit: Ninja'd...
Not pointing you out in anyway but ..... The chatter is funny, I have installed a number of these builds on vbox and have not seen one impressive build to date. In fact with each new build it appears to get less impressive. . Talk about being into yourselves, possibly it is this arrogance that makes them unimpressive. I still believe M$ needs to get rid of some kids they have working for them with their small devices and hire a few that actually uses a desktop in the production side of things, or actually listen to the ones that are coding it. Hey cortana what do you think? Regards
The last few builds have been 'Leaks' and we have no idea what those builds were meant to feature or fix. The next 'Release' which is where they bring all those features and fixes together into one build, will have this issue fixed, as MS has already said.
I give up, til there is a proper upgrade for these. all the leaked one crap on themselves on upgrades.
Yesterday wasn't an Update Tuesday. Update (Patch) Tuesday is every second Tuesday of the month and yesterday was first Tuesday of April.
I tend to agree. I have only used these builds in VMWare myself but I am fast getting to the point that I might just wait till it is MUCH closer to RTM or RTM before I bother with it anymore. Back in the days of xp or windows 7 betas there actually seemed to be improvement almost daily if not weekly, not anymore.
It's already an iso, (or esd, then you need to decrypt it to iso), iso is simply burnable to a dvd with any burning tool which can handle ISO's (there isn't one who can't ). Edit, i see this is about the twitter version from wzor (unpacked iso). Place the files from wzor's folder in c:\wzor If you have an adk installed on your windows, open the adk commandprompt and type this command: oscdimg.exe -h -m -o -u2 -udfver102 -bootdata:2#p0,e,bc:\wzor\boot\,e,bc:wzor\efi\microsoft\boot\efisys.bin -lW.10TP.10051.x64 c:\wzor\ c:\Win.10TP.10051.x64.iso
I agree. I been thinking about that. the windows team is all young people. it used to be older people. but microsoft got rid of them and got these young people. its a world wide problem. business lose the older generation and get this new generation nobody likes and try to change everything. we dont like change....
upgraded to build 10051 from 10049 went really well no problems, very impressed with the new mail and calendar apps at first now after a few days the mail app wont sync any mail in or gmail any ideas guys ?? lost here tried the normal things just wont send or receive mail
I dont understand, I never use a connection with any of these the first install. Its installed fine and still running without connection. What are you guys doing?
Yes this is also an issue but is way easier to fix Just launch regedit go to the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion and edit the values EditionID From Enterprise to Professional and ProductName to Windows 10 Pro Technical Preview Then launch the installation, a reboot after the editing shouldn't be needed but do it to be sure.